Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Last SU!
In less then 30 mins time, it will be the day for my exam. Guess what? my exam is at 9am and i've yet to really memorise my stuff.
Seriously I am getting too 放肆just because I have SUed my subjects away!
I've used up all my 4 SU options as follows:
1) living with maths: which i skipped only 2 lessons due to my cbe camp and studied for a couple of days
2) econs: which I spent 1 day reading through the tutorial pior the exam
3) Imaging singapore: spent 2 hrs reading through the material pior the exam, reached the exam venue ON TIME.
4) Understanding Chinese Cinema: attended 60% of the lessons....
Maybe i'll spent 30 mins memorising all the characters and directors from various films for this ba... really got no mood to really look into the subject. Afterall, its chinese cinema! how hard can it be?
Anyway, tonight will be my last night at hall6 33-2-632. Be moving out this thrusday and yanyan will be checking in! (so in a way, i might just move everything into her place then i dont need to move anything! yeah! haha)
Had my last supper with joel and teck wu! dont think will have any time to eat supper once i'm not staying in hall. And from statistic (using linear regression and CHI square test), Joel attended 96.66% of our supper/outing during this holiday period, bringing him out from the WET BLANKET RANGE! Congrats! *clap clap*
Lets hope he keep up the good work during this coming semester.
Mag and I were on msn (during my state of procrastination) and we discussed to form a team of special people who can RUN! we call ourselves Marathon Running Team aka MRT...
This will be in addition to the existing First Class Honors Study Group and Perfect Gold Club!
But for the start it will be called Quarter Marathon Running Team. And Mag learnt that a marathon is actually 42 km, we all learn something new everyday right?... so a quarter will make a nice 10km for everyone!
At this point of time, i really hope to continue typing and typing. Nonetheless, still need to stop procrastinating... haiz!
BUT after tml will be ENJOYING MORE! HuRRAY!!
Catching the falling leaves ...[11:41 PM]
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Sunday, July 20, 2008
Yan's birthday surprises !
01/07/08 1pm
Phew!'preparing Yanyan's birthday wasn't an easy task at all!
First, a super great chef is hired for this special occasion!

A great Chef with strong Fingers to cut through the hardest mushrooms
With strong wrist to stir fry the toughest food.

With strong arm to mix the most difficult eggs....
With strong back to last through the entire procedure of cooking!
and of course! with quick relexs to defend himself from any oil poping phenonmenon....
Creating tasting and healthy meal!!!
Secondly, a great singer is needed to accompany this lovely lady for a candle lit meal.
And it certainly took me great pains to request him to come over!
This great singer is none other than....

jj Lin Junjie!
Having to take his time off from his busy schedule, no wonder he looks a little pale....

And when you think this is easy, try hiring two!!
thirdly, Everything in the house mysteriously dropped/broke/disappeared on that day.
it started off with boxes on the shelves that fell off without anyone touching,
then the handle of the drawer came off,
then we almost set the house on fire.....
Only to be burning a heart shape onto a plastic container....
*Phew! surprises after surprises.....
so off we go!
Only to find more stuff laying around.....
Dont wonder too much....
Else you will find yourself to be another model for a watch company....
And of course! whats a birthday without CAKES!!! yum yum....
And that sums up my disappearance from my camp on that day! haha
Catching the falling leaves ...[1:02 PM]
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Birthday Surprises!!
11.59 pm 06/07/08
At the stroke of midnight, a mysterious postwoman came and delivered me a humongous pacel at my doorstep (literally)....
And this is what i called a DURIAN CAKE!
Took 7 hrs to handmake!
when I thought that was all the surprise I could have....
And that was the appeditizer for the spate of exciting events that was yet to come.....

2pm 07/07/08

I found myself teleported to another world...
By the time i opened my eyes, *Puff! i found myself at olio,
holland village
Since when have my birthday been celebrated without PIZZAS?!
*TaDA! another surprise! I wonder what is inside.... hmm...
Still cant ID what is it?

Well! its a super ultra cool boardshorts that i have been looking around for the past 1 year!
5pm 08/07/08
And all my fans thought that everything ends with a present?
haha! we found ourself exploring the streets of orchard road the next day!
Catching the falling leaves ...[12:25 PM]
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Wednesday, July 09, 2008
I'm on my way!
6 july 11pm
"A nice dose of yan yan before the stroke of midnight will definitely make me feel better,"I told myself, after coming back from the hospital for some unexpected unfortunate event,"
Giving others a pleasent surprise will certainly make my day!"With that, I msg yan's sister and mother to warn her family about my arrival soon.
While driving along the expressway, my phone suddenly rang.
On normal days, i will just hang up the phone and continue driving (really!). But for some reasons, I answered the phone while driving only to hear a familar voice.
Hey! This is auntie here!"the familar voice cried out, it was yan's mother,"
Where are you now?""I'm driving along the express way, on my way down!,"I replied immediately.
There was a split second of awkward silence. It was quite evident that auntie was hesitating to tell me something.
"Ok lah tell you, yan is also now on her way down to your place now,"She continued, breaking the surprise that was originally meant for me,"
So you now drive back and wait for your surprise, else by the time you reach my place, yan would have already reached your place and find you not there."It was at that instant i burst into laughter. Both of us were on our way to each other's place...
And that began my chain of birthday surprises, proudly arranged by yanyan!
Catching the falling leaves ...[8:47 PM]
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Sunday, July 06, 2008
oh! its my birthday...
I suddenly remembered that it will be my birthday tml...
Yet, i totally have no mood for that.
No one will have, especially when one just left the hospital not long ago.
Catching the falling leaves ...[10:08 PM]
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Saturday, July 05, 2008
The reveal of the seniors attach stunt many. Most of them didn't suspect a thing.
Joseph was the one who kill all 4 of us in one shot, linking back to my suspicion in day 1.
At that time, mag finally broke down. Unlike the other SA, who leave the camp at some point of time, Mag stayed throughout and had the meetings with all of us. We were all amazed that she couldnt finish eating her botak jones and left a big portion of it.
The equation goes like this: mag= eat alot = loud hailer....
So if anything doesn't go this way, it will mean that something was not right.
Thumbs up for mag for her effort throughout the camp.
*clap clap clap
And 3 cheers for all fellow senior attachs in the camp!
ITs really taxing for all of us to be
1)looking after the group
2) motivating the group
3) hiding our indentity
4) controlling our emotion
5) avoiding our good friends
6) guiding the freshman to participate
7) discussing our plan discretely
8) leaking inside information to the gl
All at the same time!!!
And within the span of 1 night.
All four of us were not fresh anymore...
Nobody loves stale bread.
Hmm.. maybe i can still bao yang myself and join as freshie again next year?
hmm.. who knows maybe next time i'll break much more hearts compare to this year.. haha!
Catching the falling leaves ...[4:43 PM]
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Thursday, July 03, 2008
orientation camp day 3!
I should have handed in my assignment last week!
Ended up having to wait until 10am, just to submit my assignment and to get pipi to fetch me down to harbour front to take train to sentosa. In which, having to walk to palawan beach but eventually i lost my way to found myself at soliso beach.
I was in time for the last 3 mins of the beach games and it rained shortly after lunch!
It was so funny to see other groups being glumy hiding under the small shelter, while our group were having fun playing with each other under the bus stop.
As we discussed during the meeting, we found that our group were not so competitive and sporty, hence prefer less intensive activity. Well, as long as we are having fun, who cares about winning?
SP night was next.
I was fortunate to meet up a lovely SP. Felt rather sad for her to be partnering with me. A girl like her would certainy melt the heart of many of the guys in my group. She was lovely, outgoing, and sporty. We had a long chat and ended up discovering that her brother was my ajco senior! he was the first person who came to me when i first come down to ajco to practice. Of cos i had a hard time to explain how i got to know her brother due to the time difference. Eventually figured out that he was in the alumi and had to stick to this explanation.
MY cover was almost blown away by Wan Ru! who came to me saying that the chairman of njco was sitting at the same table as her! At that point when she said that, i was in a train of thoughts and wasnt prepared for that had quickly said what i normally say when i don't know anyone,"Njco so big can't rmb who was the chairman."
Oh my!
It so obvious lah...
Iceskating was really the highlight for many (who knows how to skate). Sy, mag and I were like hack care if they found out or not. IT was the first time 3 of us iceskate together and we really enjoyed ourselves falling down and stuff. Towards the end, all the freshman were already out of the rig while all the seniors were still going round and round...
REally wanted to have a long talk with the juniors one last night as a position of a fellow junior before revealtion the next day. But all of them were like -_-.... their eyes were all in one line.
I found traits of Joel spread between jian hong and andy. ITs like with andy and jianhong combine, we can have a joel or something... When joel/andy needs his sleep, he really needs his sleep and will get it no matter what.
Catching the falling leaves ...[3:12 AM]
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Wednesday, July 02, 2008
orientation camp day 2!
Having to discuss the frightnight for close to a year, i found it an obligation to come down just for this despite my important personal matter!
"Why don't you just stay at home and sleep until the next day then join us?" one of the freshman (cant rmb who) asked, upon knowing that i'll be coming back at night.
"Oh! the GL said at night got something exciting mah!" i replied, despite me knowing that they will be having a 'lab safety briefing' at night.
My group made up of 5 girls and 4 guys. Of which, two of them were qian qian and mag.
The rest were Rebacca, kailing and xinyi
Russel, joseph, bala.
And that made me job as a sa even harder to create the atmosphere!
"Can try to be more scare anot?"I told mag and qian qian along the way,"must create the mood mah"
"Can try to be more man anot?"mag answered.
Its like, how can we create the scary atmosphere when only 1.5 girls are scared? (the rest of the three girls were only half scare) and the guys were not really involving themselves to participate. Pretending to be very scare was the only way i can do to create the atmosphere and to have the excuse to have them hold hands and partner up ma...
Anyway, the other group seemed to be much more interesting. Sy need not to pretend anything for she was already frightened! haha! Can rmb last year when she partnered up with me during the drain walk and i pretended to be scared and she immediately went to find another partner. Take that for doing such 亏心事 to your juniors! To think jian hong was guilty for holding on to her hands.
Andy was like shouting to the actor,"HALT HALT!"
Our bala did the most familar thing by telling the actor that we were "investigators"
The SA inititated a meeting at 3am plus to discuss of the problems we were facing as a group.
"how the group behaves really reflects on the gl's,"ching responded sadly.
For the moment, all of us were really very sad. Its like we have been talking about the orientation camp for close to a year, hence have develop some expectation on the group. And the problems surfaced was mainly due to us not putting in the required effort.
Tml will be better as all of us will put in everything we got!
Catching the falling leaves ...[4:45 AM]
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Tuesday, July 01, 2008
orientation camp day 1 !
the time now is 2.51 am.
I should already been sleeping in my original room if i was not being transferred to another room
"Cos they wanted one GL to be sleeping with the juniors incase anything happen,"we explained to the juniors who wasn't suspicious of anything.
Right now, weijie should be enjoying his sleep. oh well, part and parcel of being a senior attach. Looking at the bright side, at least i dont need to cramp with 3 other people on two beds like what I did in genting last week!!
Anyway,it was rather enjoyable day one, ending off with the initiation. (Yes, i'm a sadist to begin with anyway). I think my juniors will hate me upon seeing the video and photos taken during the initiation. haha! i think i had my fair share of raggedness last year. For the past 1 yr, all of us have been discussing about how we will be tortured (again) during the initiation, was a relieve that they didnt do anything funny.. haha
Nonetheless, there were times when we gave ourselves away!
1) ching suddenly shouted out,"those who want more conditioner can get from Alfred!"
aiyoh, how will the group leaders know what items the freshies brought?!
2) My sp for last year saw me during the camp and made her usual BIG WAVE! lets hope the freshies were too engross in their writing of shirt to notice that.
3) My cough came back, and along the way while helping the freshies to move from place to place, I couldnt help it but to cough.
And i just got this feeling that joseph was able to see through the blindfold and knew something was not right... hmm.. maybe im just too paranoid...
Being a spy blended among the freshmen, it is not hard to read them as a whole.
The juniors guys we have are much (much much) more lustful than our batch. Just because i purposely pretended to be that way, to have an excuse to get close with my junior girls(and to talk secretly to the other Senior Attach), doésn't mean you guys have to follow suit as well lor!
Along the way i set traps and false leads!
How come Jian Hong so clean after the inititaion?
How come XinYi so enthu, know quite a few cheers and seems to be mixing around with the seniors so well??
My next target will be Andy!
That will set them off thinking!
Today will be a special day for both of us! can't wait to wake up the next day! polly too excited to even eat my breakfast! haha
Catching the falling leaves ...[2:50 AM]
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