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Sunday, July 01, 2012

叶落无人吟, 心堕谁会理
花开花谢能怨谁, 只能独感慨,变得极无奈

Catching the falling leaves ...[10:17 PM]
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Extraordinary Girl
For the past 4 years just before my university days started, my ringtone has been the song 'Extraordinary Girl' from Greenday. A song I first heard during my army days and I like it very much. No one actually come to me and ask me what it means, or what are the lyrics. This song has been my ring tone for the past 4 years, until the day i lost both my wallet and hp, hence losing this song from my phone.... perhaps it means something... the song goes like this.

She's an Extraordinary girl

In an ordinary world
And she cant seem to get away

He lacks the courage in his mind
Like a child left behind
Like a pet left in the rain

She's all alone again
Wiping the tears from her eyes
Some days he feels like dying
She gets so sick of crying

She sees the mirror of herself
An image she wants to sell
To anyone willing to buy

He steals the image in her kiss
From her hearts apocalypse
From the one called whatsername

She's all alone again
Wiping the tears from her eyes
Some days he feels like dying
She gets so sick of crying

She's all alone again
Wiping the tears from her eyes
Some days he feels like dying
Some days it's not worth trying
Now that they both are finding
She gets so sick of crying

She's an Extraordinary girl
an Extraordinary girl
an Extraordinary girl
an Extraordinary girl

At every point during my 4 years of university, I have different interpretation with the lyrics...  And up till this point of time, I still believe in this way.... ...

Catching the falling leaves ...[12:58 AM]
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Saturday, September 17, 2011
Just a few months ago, I was watching the show 千岁情人 online. This show was screened around 1990, and might be the first serial that I have memory off. Being one of the first serial, there are many many things that this show has made me to the person I am now and my belief in life as well as love.

This serial is abt 3 people from an ancient dynasty who had searched and obtained the egg of immortality, hence being able to live thru the ages after 2000 years to this day (1990). The female protagonist, YanZi,  has lived thru 2000 years alone. She has tried to love, only to experience the pain of separation with her love ones as they died one by one and she herself continue living through the ages. Being afraid of separation, she herself, slowly became aloof as she do not dare to get close to anyone, being afraid of the feeling of separation. Therefore, being tired of living after a long period of time, her only wish is to find a way to become a normal person and to be able to grow old and die with her love one. This is something everyone normal people experienced, but this is her only wish to have.

At 1990, Yanzi met with the male protagonist, LeiFeng, a stuntman who was by chanced saved by Yanzi in an accident that happened during his childhood. He fell in love with Yanzi, and subsequently knew her secret of immortally. Despite knowing that she can live forever, Yanzi was in love with LeiFeng and wanted to be with him eventhough she knew, to her, the moment to be together was short lived.  In spite the fact that, to her, LeiFeng may just grow old and die one day, Yanzi, just wanted to enjoy every precious moment of life she could have with him. She would rather to be happy with him during the short period of 50 years, than to spend it being aloof and cold to everyone she meet. This made her more determined to find a way to become a normal person to grow old and die with her love one. The serial ended with LeiFeng contacted with an incurable diseases, only to be saved by Yanzi who found a way to transfer her immortality to him. Ended up LeiFeng became an immortal and Yanzi slowly grew old.... ...

During the time when I watched the serial (when I was ard 4), I thought that Yanzi was really silly. Isn't it better to be immortal and to life forever, therefore being able to experience more love with many different people than to just one? And ever since then, I was afraid of dying and was hoping that by the time I grew older, there will be a way to live forever... ...

It is only when I grew older that I realised that it is impossible to live forever as well as to be able to be with the person you truely love and to spend the time with, will be much more precious than to live forever alone. For a period of time, I had imagined myself in my last moment of dying while I was falling asleep. Indeed, it was awfully scary. Nonetheless, the feelling was totally different if the person you loved is in your mind till the end. I will prefer my life to be end this way, with the thought that our bodies and soul will be together till the end of time... ...Yanzi, spent 2000 yrs trying to find her love, only to be separated by life.

For a long long time since young, I told myself that I have no time to lose, a human life is just too short. Lets just life it to the fullest and treasure the moment we have in this world! Its a belief that I held strongly on to since young.

Since the age of 4, I have always looked forward to have a love that would suppress both space and time.... .... The love within me was so strong that it is over flowing.

There are people who took a thousand years to find her true love, only to be taken away. Why not treasure the exisiting short time we have with each other?...

Up till this moment, I am still in love....

Catching the falling leaves ...[2:59 AM]
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Monday, August 08, 2011
Goddess Rurosa Part 3: We are told no dream's too bold that we can't try for

With reference to the blog post of "Goddess Rurosa: Legend of the Divine Demon " written (badly) long long time ago dated

During the dark time of turmoil where the people have to take sides and to go against each other. There came two leaders, each guided by their own believes and dreams for the people.

Queen Rurosa, knowing all these bloodshed is due to her past faults, tried her very best to persuade her people from both sides to stop the war. Nonetheless, the hatred within the people was so strong that words are just not enough to heal the pain and sorrow. Still, Queen Rurosa continue her best to win the hearts of her people.

"This war will lead you nowhere! Please stop fighting for the sake of our future and children!" she exclaimed desperately.

The people who once treat her as their Goddess were mostly in a dilemma, not knowing if it is the right thing to do. For those who once treat her as Demon had bear much hatred towards her that most of them denied her straight while a handful were waivered by her determination to set things right.

As for the hero, he saw the suffering of the C/D class citizens and realised that they are at the losing end. In order to stop the pain immediately, he had to do something. He decided to save and protect the C/D class citizens, even if it means destroying the first class citizens by the means of violence. It is the fastest way to stop the suffering.

Queen Rurosa beared her present pain and hardship for the future of her people; while the Hero sacrificed the future of the people to protect the lower citizens from any more suffering and cruelty.

Catching the falling leaves ...[11:51 PM]
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Saturday, July 30, 2011
service failure
When we just want to engage the services of external organisation, thinking that they are doing for $$ so they will be very very careful, hence the chance of any mistake is very very low...

Mistakes can still happen....

Nevermind that this is how I pronouce my name when in japan for the convenience of the japanese, but this does not mean that they can spell my name wrongly...

Certainly, this wasn't the first time I received such service. But this is the first time that I have successfully fight for my rights and managed to get them do something to resolve the issue. Yes, i finally got this right and managed to practice what I've preach in my previous post to get people to follow you.

All this while when things go wrong, I would just provide my feedback and hope they will do something appropriate to resolve the issue, without telling them exactly what to do. Guess like it is wrong for me to assume everyone is automatic, and just let them do what they think is right. Then again, as I always say, you cannot blame on others if you are the one who did not give the instructions clearly...

Anyway, case not close yet. Hope no further issue.

Catching the falling leaves ...[11:54 PM]
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1 month into work!
It has been one month into work! So far so good. Hope it will stay this way next week when starting shift, upon which more things will need to be learnt...

Really anxious about going shift. Yap just as I was getting use to a routine life of waking up at 645am, taking the 715am bus, trying to squeeze into the Red line train, then green, then purple... Learning the hard way that its super crowded on monday and not as crowded on friday. Perhaps its not a bad thing to have a routine afterall... perhaps..

Once again, the things Im learning is something that cannot relate to daily life. Would certainly bore anyone if I attempt to tell them the stuff... Tried and tested. perhaps the safety inspection part is easier to understand, but then it will create an impression that I'm hired to catch people and give star reward.

Catching the falling leaves ...[11:38 PM]
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Sunday, June 12, 2011
Stop thief!

Urgg... I was always very careful regarding my things when outside. Valuables are always in my pocket and perhaps the only time when its not is probably while I was swimming or running. And perhaps there was no encounter of these,it  really make ones guard down. Then again, who want to live everyday worrying about such things every single day?

Looking at the bright side, the only most ex stuff will be the hand phone. Not much extremely important stuff are missing anyway. Oh well... We gain some, we lose some.

Nonetheless the entire incident lead me to observe how the life of a police officer is like. Every case is something new. To them it will be just another case to be solved while to us it can be considered as the worst days of our lives. Doing something new everyday. Isn't it something I always wanted to do?  Yup, I'm thinking of the things I may do for others if I go about joining the force.

Indeed, there are many things we do are base on the things we are exposed at a young age. And perhaps police is one of them. I've certainly placed a lot of though into this career. Polly that's why it seems I'm the only one amuse by the recent 9 pm drama.

Anyway, I really wonder what I will do if Yan wasn't around when that incident happen. Will I handle it as calmly as what we have done? I'm not so sure myself.

Some people say that they wish their live can be more eventful. I say becareful what they wish for.

Catching the falling leaves ...[11:37 PM]
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Tuesday, June 07, 2011
Happy 端午节!!

It has been two years since I've eaten a proper 粽子! Ok fine.. maybe I'm exaggerating abt. Cos pipi bought some last week and I finished all of them. But being a Chinese lit student,  we were thought to use this method to prove our point.

I remember there used to be a time I ate 2 粽子 for breakfast, lunch and dinner and still just can't get enough of it. Imagine putting a mouthful of it together with some ketchup ... Yum yum..

If anyone find this familiar, it must be the way I describe about mooncakes! Of cos not with the ketchup.

Anyway, I realised that after all these years u have been eating 粽子 blindly. And didn't realise that there are many kinds of it.
First of it will be nonya 粽子. The rice is slightly sweet and its filings are scattered .
Another of my favorite it the 肉粽. It's rice is dark brown Polly due to dark soy sauce and its meat is piece by piece.  yum yum .
Another one I ate yesterday is q very plain one with red bean paste in it ... I think. The rice is very plain and tasteless but it goes well with nonya 粽子 or anything sweet . So well that you just can't stop eating. And these are the 3 different 粽子 I ate yesterday at Yan' s house... Hope I can eat more next time...

Oh Yah.. and I learnt that you can die if you eat too full and sleep immediately. But I don't think ill ever get full simply by eating them.. Haha.

Catching the falling leaves ...[6:03 PM]
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Friday, May 13, 2011
The Goose that laid Golden Egg
There once lived an old maiden and a goose that can lay golden egg. Every morning, the old maiden will go to the nest and will find her goose with a large, golden, glittering egg right beside. The eggs were sold and the money earned were just enough for the old maiden to live peacefully with her goose.

Some days, the egg was slightly bigger, allowing them to indulge in better food for the day and to even buy some clothing. While there were times when the eggs was so small, they can only have a light meal to last the entire day.

Over the years, a bond it built upon them. Where the goose laid her eggs, while the old maiden sells the egg and earn the money. The goose, knowing that their livelihood depend solely on its egg, tried its best to produce the finest quality egg it can produced by exercising and eating right!

One day, the goose fell sick suddenly. For some time, it produced the smallest and lowest quality golden eggs it ever produced. It doesn't even worth anything.

The old maiden, concerned by her cost of living, went up to her goose and complained,"You know our lives depend on your eggs, why don't you just produce better quality ones?"

"Given a choice, of cause I will want to provide ourselves with a better life. But I'm sick, its something I can't control," the sickly goose whispered, feeling guilty of its incapability.

"You belong to me, its your duty to ensure I am well fed, no matter what,"the old maiden proclaimed, holding a knife up high,"I will chop you off and remove all the eggs within you if you can't produce the eggs I want."

Sadly, the goose replied,"I am a goose, golden eggs mean nothing to me. I am supposed to be laying normal eggs which can hatch into gooselings. Yet, being able to lay golden egg is what I can only do. The golden eggs I produced means more to you than to me. Perhaps, you are the only reason why I exist, to be laying eggs for you. And because Perhaps, you are the the only reason why I exist, it is my duty to ensure I am laying golden eggs for you. I knew that all too well and I will always do everything within my power to fulfill my duty. I really don't mind doing that for you, you can chop me up and eat me all you like. For I am just an animal, I am a goose"

With that, the old maiden chop the goose and finally had her delicious 鹅肝 and 北京烤鹅 that she had been craving for a long long time. To the maiden, the goose is just another animal.

Catching the falling leaves ...[12:02 AM]
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Sunday, April 24, 2011
In terms of sports, there are alot of motor skills that can be learnt easily at a young age. Nonetheless, beyond age 9, the learning of such movement will be harder and harder to a point that the body doesn't want to learn such motions.

I guess this is the same for information. babies can learn a new language just like that! Towards some point of life, we will just want to reject retaining the information as we just don't want to process it. For me, I really need extra motivation to be able to process and retain information, hence really need the extra pressure from those around me to perform such stuff. Whats more, it can be very mentally draining. Therefore, if there is an option to slack, most of the time I will just slack off.

That is why I envy those people who are highly motivated to process the information before them. For some of them, they can think and talk at the same time, a feat that I find it awfully hard to perform. I got a feeling that it will be very soon that I will need to perform such feat... and to be limitless..

Catching the falling leaves ...[11:24 PM]
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Sunday, March 06, 2011
Job seeking...
The past few months was indeed filled with uncertainly, especially for final year students like me who are looking for a career. This is especially so if we are being turned down after every single interview, one by one. Once the outlook is uncertain, it can be very frustrating as we dont even know where are are heading towards.

I first started of my job search with an open mind. Anything will be fine as long as the package is good but eventually got turned down one after another as there isn't a perfect match. Nonetheless, every rejection made me even more certain which field I am not suited in and made me even more prepared for the next one till a point I do not freak out...easily.

What I found it most ridiculous is those situational questions. "What will you do if your colleagues..." I perfer to think that it is a " See how fast and good can you smoke your way through" type of questions. But for people who prepared this type of question, it will be how good can you cook up your story kind of questions. oh well... this is the type of questions I got during my very first career interview last yr.

My job offer was more or less confirmed last friday with a phone call saying congrats and wanted me to go down to do some routine medical checkup. Ironically, I told myself this job is out of the question during the career fair last year when I spoke to their representatives.

It all link back when I wanted to meet up with Yan so we can go jurong swimming one evening. She wanted to attend the career talk and I was late for that as I had a late lesson. The career talk ended with a dinner reception and together with Alan and SQ, we talked to their representatives. I was just too concerned over the passing shuttle bus and wasn't showing much interest in the conversation. We ended off by saying "Lets apply together!"...

It was months later when they called me down for an Assessment, then a port tour and subsequently 2 interviews... ...All these while, I didn't really prepare myself and wasn't too excited over it. Perhaps that is why I wasn't as anxious as I thought I would ba...With that, they offered the job.

For the past hrs, I was looking into forum to see if anyone talks abt this job online and found a tread. Was quite amuse to see that there is someone who view it as a dream job and will work and study very hard to get into this position. This sets me thinking of what is a Dream job? I never had much though about it as there is no point doing so. This is simply because there are somethings that we can't really choose and whatever choices that are presented in front of us may not be the ones we have been hoping for all our lifes. Therefore, isn't better to be more open minded and just work hard in whatever we do so there will be much more opportunities ahead of us?

This is exactly how the militry works, I rmbed hearing people who hope to be in this field and talking about how good it will be to be there, but eventually where they were assigned were a totally different thing... on the other hand, at least they have fun fantasizing... Strange to suddenly remember that I used to fantasize alot, on how I would climb up to sleep on the trees if I ever go for those jungle survival if I ever become a ranger of sort.
Speaking of which, yan loves to do so as well... ... 心想事成 ... but this is good if we do imaginary for good things.

Another thing, research have shown two situations where people purchase the same goods (sofa). One of which have a no exchange policy and the other is that the goods can be change within 7 days if it is not like. IT was found out that those users who bought the unexchangble goods are more happy with their stuff compare to those who can choose to change it. This is because as they knew the goods bought cannot be change, they will self justified their purchase, adding more cognitive to their decision made, making them more certain that their choice is correct. Which the other group have no reason to do so as their goods can be exchange, hence did not have any additional justification. I guess, this is the same for applying a job and even for relationship.... Perhaps there are much less problem in the past where people match make than now where people can choose to exchange if they dont like it..


Catching the falling leaves ...[10:23 PM]
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Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Power = Strength x Speed
Endurance I have...

Power, i really need to put more work into it...
Sometimes, I even forgotten that I had that in me...
Need to build up more of it.

Catching the falling leaves ...[11:06 PM]
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