Sunday, November 30, 2008
BattlePlan out!
"ALFRED's First/Last Final Exam in Waterloo BATTLE PLAN' OUT!
People say writing a 'to-do' list is a form of procrastination.
But if you dont write a 'to-do' list to know what you are planning to do, wouldnt you procrastinate even more?
A battleplan, just the thing i need to remind myself that i really need to start studying.
It turn out that i dont have much time to study either.
The plan goes something like mornng 8am wake up go school to study until 10pm and come back. So any conversation will be either at my night/ early morning/ weekend. Yup.
Game Start!
Catching the falling leaves ...[7:33 AM]
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At times i wonder, if it is in the blood of guys to like aggressive sports.
I mean, its evolution and its in their instinct that guys behave the way they are behaving.
ITs in their nature to be competitive, aggressive, violent.
They enjoy the process of it.
And best of all, to win.
Perhaps, that there isnt this need to win anymore. Such instinct has been dormant in many. WAiting to be awaken.
I have always avoided contact sports.
The skill isnt that good to start off with. Because of that, when playing with others, i will feel not as good as others and will drag the others down. The anxious feeling became worst when one start to think that the team mates are not supportive.
Hence, will avoid contact with the ball as much as possible.
The circle will lead to not improving one's skill.
This is one of my weakness that i have been trying to get rid off.
Hence, canoe polo to start off. Nonetheless, it doesnt turn out well eventually.
This weakness is still there.
Some great psycho professor once said that such behaviour requrie to have more exposual to get use to corping with it. We will still feel the anxiety, but we are use to it and will know how to cope it.
I need to try one more time. And that is why among all the clubs over here, i chose Broomball.
Isnt that education all about? To improve oneself.
Since I have no will to improve myself in the academic way, i had planned to improve myself in other aspect. Anxiety is one of them.
Before i realised it, i found myself enjoying being aggressive. Causing pain to not only others but to myself. Guys are afterall guys. Its in our nature.
I got this feeling it might not be long after that i may like watching soccer... just like normal people..
Perhaps, this is another case of giving in to our instinct. Is it a good thing? Is going against the instinct make one so special/ or strange?
Well, that will be another dilemma for another day.
Catching the falling leaves ...[4:35 AM]
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Saturday, November 29, 2008
The Moment
这一刻回头看见自己 这一路的风景百感交集的我 下一刻又将飞向哪里 渐渐疲惫的羽翼为你披上了勇气 放心离开我我会记得这一刻 那些还飞翔著不可思议的梦 雨后的天空会有绚烂的彩虹 像最初相信著我们终会找到自由 这一刻时间变成行李 越过生命悲喜陪伴著我前进 因为你让我看清自己 面对未知的恐惧脚步更加坚定 哦……只是远行 不是逃避 告别是为延续回忆永恒的华丽 你……要照顾自己不要忘记 那些灿烂过的痕迹
Catching the falling leaves ...[3:54 PM]
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Wednesday, November 26, 2008
ITs all started when i just wanted to go wikipedia to show mang about ice kacang. Cos i kept on telling everyone i'm craving for ice kacang upon seeing the snow.
While doing that, i just so happened to clink on to the singaporean crusine link.
And i felt so hungry all of the sudden..
Bakut teh
Pig organ soup
Turtle soup
char kuay teow...
If anyone can give me anyone of these, i think i will love him/her deep deep. I'm serious!
Bakut teh and turtle soup are on par at this point.
If anyone can air mail me any one of these two right now, i will marry him/her on the spot..
These will be the first things i would want to eat upon reaching singapore! AHH... i think i sent in my order to mother via sms right now..haha
Catching the falling leaves ...[1:58 PM]
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008
haha.. i chanced upon the video on liang popo from episode 1-10.
i can still remember there was a time i looked forward to monday night just to watch last 10 mins or so of the variety night show at 850pm.
Realised that alot of the jokes then made use of poor english and singlish. Nonetheless, its still really hilarious.
Yup, i spent sometime to watch all the first 10 episode straight back to back!
Catching the falling leaves ...[8:45 AM]
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Monday, November 24, 2008
I suddenly realised that i'll be going back soon!
The thing is that I feel that i didnt really enjoy myself to the fullest.
We know what will happen if we didnt play hard when we are supposed to, that is we will start pondering of the things we should have played when the play time is over.
(hmmm.. maybe I have played more than enough lah, just that i know i can do so much more)
Then for an hour, we were frantically trying to look for places that i should be going here. ITs all about Travelling.
But due to the exams, i only have a few days in between, so we decided that it may be a good idea to take the plane. After a while, i go the weirdest impulse to skip EXAMS just to go travelling. Since its already a confirmed pass.
But i think its really abit late for that.
If i really wanted to go travelling, i would have planned long long time ago. Or have considered skipping lessons and stuff just to go weeks before. Actually, right now i can't imagine myself traveling around. The feelings just not right.
Its one of those ENDing syndrome. Those you have towards the end of something like the year. And you feel that there are so much stuff that can be accomplish pior to the end, be it you have already fulfilled alot. Yup, this must be what i'm feeling now, i'm sure of it.
Catching the falling leaves ...[8:55 AM]
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Sunday, November 23, 2008
purple twilight
The last movie i watch in cinema was 4bia, which is like 3 months ago.
Suddenly, while meeting up with Alex and wilsern, we decided to have a look at their cinema. Eventually choosed to watch twilight.
Not sure if it is only over here for all of the cinema in canada. But when we ask the reception that we would like to choose a central seat, she told us that the seating is first come first serve.
And so, our movie is showing at 330pm , we went in at 310pm.
Guess what? all the cental, middle and behind seats were mostly filled up, leaving the first few rows empty. When its first few rows, it is really FIRST few. Those kind that u can practically touch the screen with ur hands if u are at row 1 and with ur feet if you are at row 2.
Fortunately, we managed to find somewhere decent in the middle.
That got us into a discussion of its pros and cons of such system.
At least, everyone will try to come early so that we will not be interrupted halfway during the movie. But when i say early it is really early in the sense that upon the ending of our screening, there are already a queue of people waiting outside to get into the cinema to watch the next show.
I always wonder why ALOT of students here are so silly to want to squeeze in to the lecture hall when the previous lessons just ended and they are trying to get out. ITs like cant they just wait outside for a moment for the students to make their exit. Moreover its like the lesson ends 10 mins before the next lesson and the next class student already waiting outside wanting to comein.. now i know why...
Catching the falling leaves ...[9:17 AM]
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Saturday, November 22, 2008
SMS to mimi
It was another SMS conversation between me and my mother.
And the conversation goes something like this....
Tengda: hello mimi!! how are u today?! haha now is -13 degrees! so cold outside! next week last week of lesson. so fast!91715743: Hi:* wear most shirts:* and-
91715743: After lesson:* where are you doing:*.?Tengda: after lesson will be my exams.exam until dec 16. after tjat i go ice skiing, then go USA new york to spend christmas there and shopping.then back sing
Tengda: but the $$ i bought need to pay for some school stuff, then will leave around $1000 for all these, dunno enough for me for all these or not... 91715743: Hello how are you? Here hot hot.. Msg us before you coming back.. Remember to buy things back home :* Tengda: hmm..-_- what u want me to buy back? i use card to buy. I think i need to buy another suitcase also.. aiyoyoh..91715743: Dont need to buy too much.. Buy useful things can already.. Can also send back first.. Got use credit card? Use more dont worry..
91715743: Credit card use how much already? Cash still can come back and change.. Got new girlfriend? Honey? The 20 mins is free?Tengda: credit card keep on using to buy food to cook!i cook very good liaoz. cash i scared not enough. girlfriend still only got one. u want more?i find more91715743: You got how many honey already? Got go running? I everyday got go running.. Very strong very beautiful.. Next time come back run with me..
91715743: Ok.. Dont need find more.. Learn cook western food so come back can cook for me..
91715743: Ok.. Boy boy.. Good boy boy.. Drink more more water.. Wear more more more shirt.. Eat alot more food.. Spend more buy more.. Eat different food and fruits..Tengda: here very cold, cannot will become ice. i only learn to cook mircowave food and salad. haha. here westen food = hamburger and pizza. 91715743: Dont need to buy things for me.. My goods boy:*Tengda: why u suddenly type so fast? so good in typing sms liaoz? i eat and drink alot. dont worry. 91715743: Prepare salad without chlestrold for me.. Time up already? Bye bye liao :* :* :*
Tengda: where got time up? can keep on sending until 20 sms. haha.. got see my halloween photos? ok lah. i also need to sleep soon. now is 1am plus liaoz..91715743: I go train because of you.. So can msg fast fast back.. You also having to go training.. Fast fast reply me back.. :* :*
91715743: Aiyo.. See already.. Quickly go sleep.. Sleep early early from tomorow start.. Bye bye.. Take care.. :*Tengda: haha.. i typing slowly ma. scared u haven finish reading. are u sure u are mimi? mimi where got type so fast one? So suspicious..91715743: Try you the ture:* yours brother is beside me:* so you know ha ha:*Tengda: i already guessed it liaoz lor. From the "rmb to buy things back"already can see liaoz. So fake...91715743: 爱你爱你 from mamaTengda: okok! i go sleep liaoz.! tata!NOTICE the first 2 sms, the sentence structure is awful. But its easy to decipher Mimi's code.
AFter which the entire sentence structure is totally different. And i could already guessed who was behind it and i played along. (notice my hmm -_- sign)
ITs not hard to imagine how my brother, lying beside mimi on her bed, trying his best to add and distorts mimi's original's msg.
Someone so free lor, after exams liaoz so slack..
Catching the falling leaves ...[2:28 PM]
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Dilemma, focus
Someone once told me in the way of life, you can only walk down one path.
If we are uncertain, having doubts or having second thoughts between a path and another, it will lead to dire consequences.
That is why whenever we set out mind to do something. We shld do so like when we ride into combat, acting without attachment and carry with us the confidence.
Perhaps that is why we were always told setting goals and visualising the future is really important. It mentally prepare us for what is yet to come, what to expect and how to handle.
I must say that i wasnt mentally prepared myself to be here for exchange. I have several attachements such as home, play, enjoyment and study.
I even have the dilemma to go out class or to stay at home to slack. How can i even focus?
That is why we should always
期待. When you do so, we will unconsciously think of the things we are going to do. Escape will have the opposite effect. 期待,期待着我的。。。。
Catching the falling leaves ...[12:41 AM]
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Friday, November 21, 2008
Stars Planner Out!
The stars planner is finally out!
Been thinking of how to go about planning for next semester's modules for quite sometime, cos all my modules are all jumble up.. sheesh!
And so, i tired to plan my time table yesterday. IT turns out that i can manage to pack 27 aus NICELY, into my schedule. This round off to abt 8 modules.
Oh yah, to those who doesnt know how mess up my modules now, let me explain.
Right now, i am taking 2 core modules that are supposed to be taken next semester.
(in other words, i am not taking any modules that i should be taking now)
SO, this leaves me with 2 core modules that i need to take next semester.
This will mean that i will have to add yr 3 modules to my next semester. So that i can take the modules i have miss and put it in yr 3.
Thats where the problem comes in. Ignoring all the Electives, i am supposed to take 5 cores this sem, 5 cores during yr 3. If i put all 5 cores of yr 3 to my next sem, i will have 7 cores to take (which is ALOT). But if i split up the yr 3 cores, like say 2,3. I will take like 5cores next sem. but will be taking 7 CORES during my yr 3. And that is with the possibilty that i can match all the subjects nicely.
Already my peers from yr 2 and yr 3 are now complaining. Complaining abt how miserable their exams are. So if like taking 5 modules is miserable, i wonder how will i go abt tackling 7 CORE modules.
Maybe i shld go for 5 core next sem, try out 7 core next yr. Definitely not all 7 can be matched nicely and i can take the reminding during yr 4. Or go for 6,6? Argh! choices!
Right now i can match 6 cores nicely, with 1 psych and 1 core course..
Catching the falling leaves ...[11:45 PM]
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Thursday, November 20, 2008
I always find it hilarious looking at the discussion board of our courses, most of the time it was the same thing over and over again. That is why i seldom login to have a look.
Here are some examples of what to expect from the discussion board:
EG 1:
"MIssed classes and notes
Foluo kereolu (fkreo) at 11/6/2008 1:07 PM
Hey, I haven't been feeling good, almost a week and had to miss some classes. If anyone could help with the missed notes, I'd really appreciate it.Thank you"EG 2:
"missed lectures week of nov1st
Korad Karak (kolk) at 11/18/2008 6:51 PM
hi guys,i was sick on the week of the first of this month i was wondering if anyone could send me the notes?"EG 3:
notes? original, i know
Jennifer Wur (jwur) at 11/4/2008 11:44 AM
Hey, I have been pretty sick for a little over a week now, and while I was able to make it to last Tuesday's class, I was unfortunately unable to make it to either Thursday's or today's class. Would anyone mind sending me their notes or even just filling me in on what I missed? I hate asking this, but I know just missing one day in this class can put you a little behind:S Thanks so much,Jenn"You all get the point.
I dont think ntu discussion board will ever be made use for this. Even if someone spam the board for help, no one will respond. We wouldnt be bother to look at the discussion board in the first place.
Was rather skeptical when i first saw the post and didnt expect anyone to reply. Its human nature right? the guy who post is not your friend, and didnt request for your help directly. Why would anyone be bothered to help? And of cos the rat race thingy (if i help you and you score well).
Nonetheless, it appears that the people here are quite a helpful bunch.
And we can get response like:
Re: notes? original, i know
Josh falo (jofal) at 11/4/2008 3:32 PM
Luckily for you, Dr. Holmes made notes that were quite complete. The 'Complex Designs' lectures are what we started today. I added some small things here and there, but you should get the gist of it by looking over the lecture notes.
Today we started at the beginning and went up to Two main effects and an interaction term. Then we skipped some pages and finished off with Within' subjects designs. If after looking over the notes you need to be filled in on something, post it up and maybe myself or some of the others will tune you in.
Hope you're feeling better!
Josh" I definitely hope there will be helpline for me when i get back to ntu... haha
Catching the falling leaves ...[6:16 AM]
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Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Spoil Spot
When things are just so wonderful and perfect, sometimes there just need to have a spot that can taint, spoil and ruin the entire picture.
ITs like everyone in the university is trying their best to make the school a better place. The housing department just have to ruin everything. Seems to be the case that they are operating at a separate organisation and the school doesn't have any hold on them.
Everything they do look like they are trying to suck all the money they can in anyway from existing students. What make them more disgusting is their futile effort to make their housing look promising.
According to laws of market, unless there is a monopoly, in a long run consumers will go to the better priced and will lead the alternatives to shut down. I'm counting on that. Perhaps it is already self fulfilling, that is why they are so desperated in sucking money out of us and i just so happen to be the unlucky last few.
I think the only reason why they are still surviving is due to the unsuspecting first year students and exchange students like me.
Too bad no one go on strike during the winter else i might be the one leading a strike and make a news out of it. Then all future students will not want to come to live here anymore. But people strike by not doing their jobs causing the work to stop, for me maybe we will not go for class and exams! -_-... as if the people here will care.
Or maybe we stop staying in our place and have a winter strike! But we will get sick and will unable to enjoy our post exams holidays. urgh!
Haiz.. No money to sue, no energy to strike. No wonder they can still survive by unsuspecting victims.
Thats the problem with staying in a big house, there are always hidden cost and lies behind its grand and beauty are problems and restrictions. Nice to see, not nice to use.
That is why i always wanted to stay in a cosy smaller comfortable place. Cheap cheap will do. Then the money saved on those hidden cost can be spend on more fruitful things like enjoying!
I suddenly remember there is some plant or animal that are very weak and can only feed on unsuspecting victims, sneaking up on them when their least expected cant remember what is it exactly. Till then i will call them spoil spot,
Perhaps if i never stayed in school's hall before, i will not feel so bad abt the spoil spot. I will only feel disgusted with it thats all. Thats why we should be grateful to what we have, there are always worst things out there. So i am now trying to make me feel better by convincing myself that there are worst housing department like say.... thailand.
Wah! i feel so much better already!
Catching the falling leaves ...[10:36 AM]
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Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Wah lau...
I almost fell out of my chair when i got back my mid term result for chemical reaction.
Remember the test that i mentioned that was supposed to be 2 hrs but i completed in 1 and was hesitant to leave the place until 1.5 hrs? Then after that I was so uneasy as the rest of the people are still busily writing and solving when i left the place, so afraid i misread the question or something.
Well, i guess my worries was uncalled for. Got 95% for that. This will mean that i only need to get 20% for my final to pass the course. To think those people sitting on my left failed their papers lor. IF im so slack already, they must be worst than me.
According to RESEARCH METHODS. Those people who are low self confidence will tend to compare with others when they got good results whereas those who have HSE will compare with others when they got poor results. Nope! i'm not comparing my results with others, i just so happen to glance at their papers that was right in front of me.. Talking abt temporal precedence and causation, i wonder if by NOT comparing upon having good scores and vice versa will force me to be HSE? hmm... ..
Alot of times during my ntu days, i did many things that i thought it will benefit me but ended up backfired. One of which would be taking some other science elective first and later realised that there is a 'genes r us' that is SOO easy for our course people that everyone in our course who take it got at least an A.
I really do not want to be the case that i'm taking chemical reaction and eqm stage ops here, and ended up that the same course in ntu will be SOO easy to score. Part of me really hope that when my peers take the same course next yr it will be super tough and hard to score! bwahaha! then they will wish that they could have come over here with me. Nonetheless at this point, i feel that the core courses i am taking now are so simple compared to ntu standard, i'm having my doubts of whether it is the school's nature or the course that is simple.
Catching the falling leaves ...[5:20 AM]
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Sunday, November 16, 2008
snowing at night!

In the mist of preparing a sumptuous meal for myself, i didnt realised what is going on outside until i saw wilsern's status msg "Christmas comes early!"
So i looked out and saw SNOW!!!
Just couldnt resist that i went out of the house
To snap some photos under the shelter...
Then i became more adventuous...

To venture the coldness and explore the snow!

Wanted to reward myself by bringing back some snow to make ice kaciang

But it became smaller...

And smaller....
Than at 11pm, hoai come to my place to take a picture of me in snow!!!



Catching the falling leaves ...[10:56 AM]
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Phone bill!
Urgh! I shld have call them up to cancel the service long long time ago...
After i call them up to pay my balance, I told them abt my cancellation.
The guy was french and asked me why i wanted to cancel the service.
Too expensive, I said coldly
Then the guy brought down the price to $25 plus tax....
Of cos i will only be staying for 1 month, so really no point. He doesnt know that though.
Then he brought it down to $17.50 plus tax with 2 yrs agreement.
But i told him that i dont like the agreement cos i really dont know if it works well.
So he brought it down to $15 plus tax without agreement.
IT seems that he is desperate to keep me as a customer. (Sintel shld do that too lor.)
So i guess i will use this plan for the month of december ba.
Haiz.. if i call them like few days ago, my november plan will be like so as well. But then again, its a few dollars a month and i am already thinking abt it so long. Poor Taesoo unknowingly sign onto an agreement for 3 yrs and have to pay like $60 per month, yet he didnt complain. (maybe he has been complaining just that i dont understand that he is)
See! thats the difference between in an agreement and not. If you are not in an agreement, you have the rights/leverage to complain, once you are in (, you will lose all ur rights and any problem u want to raise they will just use the contract to push you down. Yah.. something like my disgusting housing contract.
Sometimes, its a small price to pay for a lesson...
Then again, its not my money that i'm paying to begin with.
Catching the falling leaves ...[1:38 AM]
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Phone bill moral dilemma
I have sign up for a $25 mobile phone plan during my stay here. For some reasons, the $25 plan add up to around $40-$50 every month. The thing is that i didnt really use much of the phone service down here. Hence causing me to be overpaying the amount i should if i pay per use.
Certainly its human nature to be very uncomfortable to be paying stuff that we didnt even use much.
That give me a thought of not paying the bills at all. So its an instinct that when there is a problem, I can just ignore it (not paying the bills) and it will go away (suspend my line eventually). They cant trace me back when i return, can they?
But i feel a little no point. Might as well i just pay the bill and cancel it straight. Using my singapore line to call and sms will definitely be cheaper.
Catching the falling leaves ...[12:48 AM]
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Saturday, November 15, 2008
Research methods!
Every Tuesday and Thursday is Research Methods class! but to me its more of a Relationship class. In order to teach the various research method, they have to give alot of examples to explain the methods. Since both the lecturer, Woods and Holmes are in the field of personality and interpersonal relationships. Most of the examples they given are about relationship between partners
Something like the excitement of a new relationship will died down after 18months. So in order to keep the relationship going we should regularly go for novel activities. (such as scuba diving! haha)
Perhaps that is why mimi told me must slow slow love. If do too much novel things too fast, next time all those things not novel liaoz..
Self esteem has a large role to play in alot of things i must say.
For a control group, both Low Self esteem (LSE) and High Self Esteem (HSE) people have the same amount of expected rejection from their parters.
But when there is a personal failure. LSE people assume that partner (will see them how they see themselves and ) will react to their personal failures with rejections and thus distance themselves.
Whereas for HSE people, this expected rejection will be lowered than the control as they will feel that the partner will be there for you.
(THus creating a FAN interaction!)
All in all this is a self-defeating prohecy. If you are LSE, you thought that ur partner will reject you so you distance yourself away; and becasue u distance yourself away, you became not close to ur partner thus ended up being rejected.
When there is no successful experience. Both LSE and HSE people will have the same social confidence. But when there is a successful experience. There will be a Fan interaction in which the HSE people will have much more social confidance where as the LSE people will feel worst. LSE will think what others think about them and will feel bad abt themselves.
There people who are equally good in public performance. The only thing that are affecting them is if they are shy or not. A 'pill' is given to participants before a performance and it was told to them that the pill will cause them to be anxious. The performance for both shy and non-shy people who have taken the pill are of same standard whereas those who have not take the pill, the shy people did worst.
(Terminative interactions!)
This shows that people who are shy will have more self talk, and the more self talk was made the more it could affect the performance. Whereas those who took the pill that "could cause anxiety", will attribute their anxiety to the pill and stop thinking about it. Hence, anxiety impede performance.
Couples who are either insecure or secure will act angrily to the same extend over small issues (watch what movies etc). However, upon conflicting in serious issues (plans in life) the 'true colour'will be shown. Insecure peple will act angrily compared to secure people ( FAN INTERACTION). Insecure people will anticipate rejections, hence will be very angry and will report their partner badly. Secure people will feel that the partner will give in to them hence will be much less angry. (and because they are much less angry, they can talk things out and things will go well compare to the insecure)
Therefore positive illusions can be quite important in real life. Be it to think positively about your partner or about yourself. ITs a cycle. You think you are (your partner is) good, we will react and behave in a positive way. Hence things will turn out positively and will make u feel good about youself (your partner).
With that! i made a brief summary on what FActorial Design is all about! yup..
Thats why i like going for psychology classes. We learn things that are useful in life.
Labels: psycho
Catching the falling leaves ...[6:30 AM]
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Here's the bus!
Finally! after few days of disappointment of the bus system over here. Today was the first time that bus number 13 was nice to me.
For the past few days, it was either the bus left without me (eventhough i was frantically chasing the waving at the bus) or the bus didnt come until the next timing. Either of which will mean that I am late for my lesson. Maybe that is their way of telling me 'who tell you to be riding a bike all these while! this will teach you a lesson!'.
I must say, the weather is still permissable for cycling. Yet the bike just couldnt pull itself through for another few weeks and loose its nuts. Couldnt find a nut anywhere hence unable to fix it. IF mimi is here, she will definity think of something. Like using something to secure the pedal in place. hmm.. what will she do...
Well as a optimist, i am suppose to say something like,"lucky the nuts loose and i couldnt ride the bike. Else if i were to ride the bike yesterday i might collide to some squrriel and fall into the pond and die."
I always feel that bad things happen for a reason, and those bad things happen so that worst things will not be happening (like the example above). Perhaps i just trying to justify for the things that happen, or polly just wanted to make me feel better. But all in all, it has already happened and cannot be changed. Why not make the best out of it?
Anyway, the bus finally give in and come ontime this morning! Not only that, while i was a little late to take the return bus, i managed to catch up with the bus and took the bus back. Lets hope it stays that way.
Catching the falling leaves ...[5:56 AM]
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Lets wear more clothes
During the normal temperature days, we will be wearing our normal clothes and all the animals running around the neighbourhood like birds, dogs, squrriels and horse will be wearing their normal attire as well. Which is just their fur to begin with.
Upon fall and winter. People like me will be shivering and jumping about upon a single chilling breeze, hence will be wearing any possible termal insulation that i can find which can fit on me.
I just couldnt understand how come those animals can still run about in such temperature. Aren't they cold? Is their fur so thick that it protect that from the cold? if so wouldnt they be melting during the summer?
That is why i dont like to keep animals. They wouldnt tell you what you want to know.
Catching the falling leaves ...[5:42 AM]
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Friday, November 14, 2008
A familar feeling...
I have never really talked or shared about my 1.5 years of life in JC. Those who asked me about it, i would always hinted that it is a period of life that I'm not so proud about and I didnt really have much life in it, less to say have much to share.
Its just a feeling, something within me that is stopping myself from doing anything. During that period, everyday seemed to me like any other day, with nothing to look forward to, with nothing to motivate me on. I only put in my bear minimal, to attend all the lessons available, other than that it was minimal effort throughout. Its just like sinking into the darkness, getting deeper and deeper, so comfortable, not wanting to get out.
During that time, it seemed like I am fighting with myself. Its a war. An aimless war that i myself didnt know what was going on. Hence having a aimless life. Was lethagic yet restless to do anything. Something was not right, but i just couldnt pinpoint what was exactly wrong. I yearned everything to end. Attributing this feeling to the long years of education.
It was like a spiritual fight within myselves. The arrogant, proud and goal orientated part of me versus the weak, low motivated part of me. Couldnt shout out for help as there isnt any help at all. There wasnt anyone i could relate my feelings to in the first place.
How could I shine if there was something holding me back, causing me unable to focus?
This familar feeling came back to me from time to time over here.
OF cause, i attribute it to 101 things like the weather. Too cold to do anything.
IT was not before long that i finally pinpoint and find a name for all these.
THis feeling is called Loneliness.
I draw my powers from those around me. I depend alot on them. Certainly, the proud, overly confidence old me doesnt realise that back that, hence thought that I could solve everything on my own and doesnt need the help of anyone.
The fullmoon needs the light from the sun to shine brightly. What makes me of any difference? SInce light cannot be bend, the light from my home is unable to bend and travel to where I am. (Well, technology can bend light though, and that is the only reason why i can still have the least motivation to study a little.)Therefore, I've already given up working hard over here. ITs more damaging psychologically to be in a dilemma of forcing myself to try harder.
Instead, I have been learning stuff over here that i will never be able to learn back home. Simply because, I can afford to do that. I suppose study will have to wait next year.
Its like i know myself deep down that if i dont enjoy myself fully here. I will spend alot of time thinking about how i should spend my time here when i got back. So i must enjoy more while i can!
Catching the falling leaves ...[10:12 AM]
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Thursday, November 13, 2008
靠bike, bike 倒;靠bus, bus跑...靠谁最好?靠脚走路最好。。。
Catching the falling leaves ...[5:06 AM]
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Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Remembrance Day!
11 November is Remembrance Day! A day set aside to remember our war heros who died during the First World War. They sacrificed their lives for the things they believe. (perhaps they just do what they are told, or just so happened to be in the battlezone) But eitherway, they died because of the war and for that they remembered.
For some countries, this day is a public holiday! (just like halloween!!) The Canada Trust bank is closed for the day because of this holiday... ... Nonetheless, there is still school and lessons!
urgh! haha
Catching the falling leaves ...[12:25 PM]
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Sunday, November 09, 2008
Return of the pearl princess 3...
Returning of the Pearl Pricess 3, ( 环珠格格(三)), was not really well received than its part 1 and 2 perhaps due to the change of the actors, draggy storyline and abrupt ending. Nonetheless, there is a part of the story that really touched me and it goes something like this:
The Returned princess, zhiwei, married to a nobleman Erkang and had a child. All three of them lived lovingly and happily until the child was down with poxs. Zhiwei was distaught and she made her husband to promise that if there is a time that he is supposed to choose between her or their child, their child will always come first. Fortunately, their child recovered from the illness and three of them were back again.
Nevertheless, their happiness was short-lived and there was a war between their kingdom and another country. Erkang, being a highranking officer, was obligated to serve his country and fight the war. The war spanned from days, to weeks to months. During the heat of battle, Erkang got to know of the enemy's general who is the princess of that country. In the mist of it, the princess admired Erkang's skills and bravery hence grown found of him.
It was in one of the battle that Erkang was badly injured that he lost consciousness. His people all thought that he was dead as the injury was fatal. What they didnt know was that Erkang was saved by the enemy princess and was treated by the enemy.
In order to save Erkang, the princess has to use the poppy seeds to numb the pain. However, the side effect of this method was that once the drug was used, the patient would be addicted and have to take the drug on a regular basis. The princess was so determined to have Erkang as her husband that she really wanted to save him no matter what, hence allowed the use of the drug.
Erkang was eventually saved however his withdrawal syptoms for the drugs made him suffer and had to beg the princess for more of it. The princess used this opportunity to force Erkang to marry him and Erkang, due to the dependence of the drug, agreed immediately but rejected quickly upon sober. This led the princess with no choice but to force him physically by torturing him. Hence both physically and mentally he suffered. Everyday for him was long and dreamy and unreal. Perhaps due to the influence of the drug, Erkang started seeing hallucinations of Zhiwei coming to give him solance.
Zhiwei, on the other hand, was distaugh. She pinned for her loved day and night, it was till the extend that she ignored her child's needs despite her promise to Erkang. Everyone of her friends was convinced that Erkang was dead but she cant accept the fact. The impact on her was so great that she started having hallucinations of him coming back. Not before long, it seemed as though they met each other in their dreams and it was these meetings that made them pull through from time to time.
Both of them couldnt tell if what they were seeing were just illlusion or their ghost or if their soul really found each other.
Erkang spent months in the enemy princess castle. Everyday the princess tried all means to get through to him. From being gentle and polite, to being harsh and torturous, to mentally forcing him using his withdrawal syptoms. Many a time he tried to end his life but was stopped either by the princess who saw it coming or by the hallucinations of Zhiwei who appeared to him when his mind was most confused.
IT was few months later the princess tried to use another method. To pretend to let him go, knowing that he will return to her as soon as the limited supply of drugs runs out and he doesnt have enough money to get it from the money. IT was around that time, Erkang's friends got news that he might be alive all along thus they formed a team with Zhiwei and headed down to the enemy's kingdom in search of Erkang.
Ultimately, it was Zhiwei who found Erkang in the most unexpected place that he would hide, the pigsty. Erkang was too ashamed to face his friend due to his condition. Fortunately, with the help of his friends, Erkang managed to break free from the withdrawal syptoms and ended his reliance on the drugs.
On their way back, the enemy princess caught up with them and realised that her planned was foiled. She came to Zhiwei and told her that she had already lost long long time ago. She lost to an invisible enemy right from the beginning. The invisble enemy was Zhiwei.
I always wondered if such love story can really happen. Deep down in me, i believe, perhaps not so dramatic, that it does. How else could the script writer came out with such dramatic story in the first place? In the past, I use to wonder if such story can happen to me and it will be really cool if it can happen just like the story!
But if you are really in love, will you wish something like that to happen to test the love?
你是风儿 我是沙
珍重再见 今宵有酒 今宵醉
对酒当歌 长忆蝴蝶 款款飞
莫再留恋 富贵荣华 都是假
缠缠绵绵 你是风儿 我是沙
叮咛嘱咐 千言万语 留不住
人海茫茫 山长水阔 知何处
浪迹天涯 从此并肩 看彩霞
缠缠绵绵 你是风儿 我是沙
点点滴滴 往日云烟 往日花
天地悠悠 有情相守 才是家
朝朝暮暮 不妨踏遍 红尘路
缠缠绵绵 你是风儿 我是沙
Catching the falling leaves ...[10:19 AM]
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Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Cookie Monster!
Cookie monster is such a bad character as it sets a bad example for the children watching. IT makes them think that eating tonnes and tonnes of cookies is alright and children are easily influence to eat alot of cookies, thinking that it is fine to do so.
Been eating alot of cookies recently, its just so convenient to be eaten! haha! Having subtel signs of sickness. So i must really take care liaoz.. But be some someone didnt keep on reminding me to drink water! haha!
But i guess shouldnt blame on cookies fully. The chocolates from the trick or treat are to blame as well! The people giving out chocolates should be sensible enough to give out not so heaty chocolates mah, like that hai children get heaty and fall sick.. haha!
Isnt it so easy to blame on others?
People cannot eat the grapes will say the grapes sour, yet people who got to eat the chocolate will say the chocolate heaty... haha
Isnt life a dilemma?
Catching the falling leaves ...[5:31 AM]
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Sunday, November 02, 2008
indian summer
Taking about the weather, i just recalled of something i briefly heard of last week and things beginning to make sense.
Indian summer is a name given to a period of sunny, warm weather in autumn, not long before winter. Usually occurring after the first frost, Indian summer can be in September, October, or early November in the northern hemisphere, and March, April, or early May in the Southern hemisphere. It can persist for a few days or extend to a week or more. This term is not related to the summer season in India.This explains the warm weather we are having this couple of days after the snow few days ago.
But wonder why it is associated with indian in the first place.. it isnt a bad thing is it?
Catching the falling leaves ...[5:09 AM]
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Hallo halloween!
I was beginning to worried when i looked at the weather forecast last week which indicated that yesterday would be snowing. Fortunately, my worries were uncalled for.
Its not that i dislike snow after my previous post of woo and waahh upon the snow, but find it impossible to keep myself warm when i'm wearing costumes when its so cold outside.
So it will be either, my shirt, my jacket my costumes THEN my winterjacket OR shirt jacket winterjacket than costumes. Eitherway, it will look ridiculous and weird. Certainly, we are supposed to be dress up WEird during halloween but i dont suppose that is what we have in mind.
With our costumes, we went for our Trick or EAT! A food donation drive to collect Can food for the foodbank. Of cos, along the way we collected some candies for ourselves too!
A pity that i didnt have a stronger camera, else i would have taken the scene of how children run roundthe nightbourhood collecting candies! SO cute lor! IT made me wonder if that is their first experience of enjoying their nightlife in their later part of life...
Well, thats for making up for my lost childhood that i always wanted to go trick or treat upon seeing it on tv long long time ago.
Did i mention that i made a girl cry with my mask? made me so guilty.
Next up was the halloween party!
The people here really made an effort to come up with neat costumes! Notice there are princess toltstoo and her mushroom guy on the right...
Just have to wait wilsern for his photos of the party.
I learnt the hard way that during costume party, its not good to be wearing a plastic/rubber mask with a hood. Its so uncomfortable and HOT. When it is uncomfortable, the enjoyment we have would be reduced.
Well, its not bad consider it to be my first time going for halloween! so fun!
I shld promote this back in Singapore! IT will be way cool!
Catching the falling leaves ...[4:17 AM]
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