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Sunday, December 30, 2007
cryptic msg from 2007
The below post (part of it) might sound abstract, but those who know me well and fans shld be able to decode the message

" Next year will be the year of the 070707. Therefore, it will be the most crucial year for me. I can't stress how important this year can be. Depending on what i'll be doing with all my heart, it will change my life forever.I'll constantly remind me about this from time to time as i'll put in everything i got for this one.To all who love me! Follow me! " ---3oth december 2006

I, Tengda, the 7th generation of the Tan family, born on the 7th day of the 7th month, always wondered for my entire life, how the year of 2007 will be like. ITs has been fortold that this year will not be easy for me.

True enough, the experience i've gotten back this year is more than what i've initially hoped for, ALOT more.

2007 is the year of the 070707, the starlight has been my source of power.
Next year will be the year of the 20082008, aka the year of love.
Fish's strength is based on love.
I want to obtain this strength on top of my power.

'A real shooting star passes by so fast that it is impossible to say your wish 3 times.
But if a wish can come true and if a miracle can happen, we can overcome any obstacle
That is why i've not been wishing anything
I want to give the star a shot.
The star that shines in my heart。。。'

Catching the falling leaves ...[12:46 AM]
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Saturday, December 29, 2007
december days
For each individual event below, i can easily used thousands of words to express the happiness i felt then. But then again, the limited vocabulary i have never fails to restrict the undescribile feelings i have in mind. And even if i can do so, most likely ill take hours and many many pages (not to be taken literally of cos). So to be fair for all events, ill just post the photos and just some comments!

Jiacai and Jockbiao's combine birthday celebration on 26th!

The last time we got a big cake for him, a tsunami broke out and killed thousands the very day.
The last time we didnt get him a cake, an earthquake came and killed many that very day
So we decided to make do with this.

Celebration at minds cafe! A pity that we really no time to get presents.

Kanza xmas party!!

The party i organise turned out smoothly.
And im glad ive insisted on a xmas tree!!

singtel service went haywire and lost sheeps were unable to contact me when they were lost!. Teckwu took 3 hrs to find the place instead of the usual 20 mins. Ching and Qian qian took cab after failing to findthe place after 1-2 hrs....

SEts and props at mediacorp!

WE really enjoyed ourselves there! Guess who is the mysterious 4th member with no face!!! haha

Catching the falling leaves ...[12:47 AM]
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Friday, December 28, 2007
post 1st sem result
Apparently, several others scored as well or even better than me. Those people are from my orientation group and in particular, in my First Class Honours Study Group.

Glad that I, the chairman of the First class honours Study Group (FCHSG), barely made it into the FCH range of gpa 4.5. With that, i will start scouting recuiting rare talents like joel and tian yong (who eventhough croached tigers and hid dragons) whom i know they most prob get a GPA of 5.

Yes, that is what ill going to do the first day when school reopens.

From a whole, for economics. Friends whom i knew who SUed this subjects all got U meaning unsatisfactory and had to redo another module again. For those who haven, the bess score i knew was a B. Many got C and even a D. Hence, i might not be a bad thing for me to SU my econs after all.

Weijie got a B+ for his MEB, the module i got an A and i thought that he will do even better than me. I strongly recommend him to appeal. AFterall, that particular marker once mismarked my quiz paper and gave me 15 marks less. Was shocked when i saw the that i got 85 instead.

My children, cy and kj were not really delighted of their results nonetheless they were glad that they didnt really failed anything. SEriously was worried abt kj when he told me abt his physics getting a D. if he will need to redo physics again or not. Definitally pulling them to the study group to save them.
Elaine, on the other hand, is still in withdrawal stage of knowing her results, using the excuse of being too busy the entire day. By now, at this point of time, she shld have known her results le. Calling her later to check her out.

I wonder how the 2103 people are doing....hmm...

Catching the falling leaves ...[9:57 PM]
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1st semester results
it was 11pm when i started the computer.

The results will be results at 12 midnight! said someone, i cant rmb who...

I wasnt too interested in knowing the results, yet.

Nonetheless, i just couldnt stand surprises and i started loggin onto studentlink at 11.55pm and started refreshing.

12 midnight exactly.

There seemed to be some changes with the system and it just cannot be loaded....

1215.... unable to connect to server
1230...Called CY who was also unable...
1235... jb finally got his results and called me to share...
1250.. unable to connect..
0105 gave up and told jb to help me check
0107 jb said i get all As...

How can I believe him when i spent the past hr trying to log in and he logged in within 2 mins?

But then final results:

Maths: A+
LAb: A+
physics: A-
Bio: A-
Physical chem: A
Mass balance: A
Econs: S

Taking into consideration of the special sem B and B+

That will be a gpa of 4.5.

Still under first class honours range.
But those in my study grp all got better than me.
Haiz... what to do?
well, Lets dont be too greedy.
These people doesnt have life... no cca no nothing

rather happy with it eitherway. However, successful people doesnt stay at his present location. They move on!

Catching the falling leaves ...[1:59 AM]
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Monday, December 24, 2007
Another day by the sea...
(original intention was to write abt the xmas party i planned for the kanza people, but just couldnt upload the picture to start off with. Hence i've decided to change to another topic!)

I've been teaching kayaking for close to a yr by now.
Certainly there are ALWAYS something happened along the course of my class. But none of which was as eventful as this class i took recently. And in particular. the class I took alone.

As i always said, im kind of individualistic. Tend to like doing things solo with no one around me.
It has always been so since sec school days during peer support , npcc and sports. I dont like people in my level to be accessing me while im teaching. (perhaps due to inferior self esteem... maybe.. but that will be another story for another time)

Because of this, for this class im particular, i've put in 110% effort in teaching them and things flow smoothly.
Nothing can possibly go wrong, i told myself.

For the first day, it rained and stopped and rained and stoppend and the circle went on and on, just like during my first and last night cycling.
But because im taking a small grp and workin along, i easily switched in between dry shelther activities and wet sea program.

Just as i tot the class can finally end, one of the student,terry came to me and told me that he stepped on a nail.

Expecting to be some scatches (since ive made sure footwear was worn), i didnt pay much attention until my eyes fall upon his wound and the size of the nail that went through his footwear into his feet. ITs a rustly nail somemore.

( i suddenly realised the awful similarities between this and the night cycling trip where jc's bicycle ride over thumbtack)

Getting long and draggy, going to sleep now. writing it sometime soon...


Stay tune to summationsunflower!!

Catching the falling leaves ...[1:46 AM]
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Thursday, December 20, 2007
plagiarize: peichun
I really feel this is worth the suing from jh for stealing her ideas

plagiarize from jh's blog:

I was bored, and doing a random search on google "peichun 6a'98" and i found some treasure! this guy one year my senior (6a'97) actually went back to the old school compound to take some pictures. n coincidentally, this guy was my classmate's crush when we were in primary 5! so cute.. haha~ some left comments saying that the compound is now haunted (people love to say compounds are haunted as long as they have been left empty for a few years) but the farniest one was this guy from my batch who left a comment reminding us of the "Block B ghost story"! *memories*'

this picture is my favourite. it's the metal stairs behind the music room. it's supposed to lead to the commerce room, but that door's always locked. so kids like us, with lots of creative juice flowing from within, used that flight of stairs to play scissors paper stone. lol~ the winner gets to climb one step up each round and the first to reach the top wins. (although no prizes for that)

So there u were while i was a the basketball court playing catching! no wonder didnt see you around. haha

that's the sports hall, where i used to play my favourite game of volley!!! as i see this picture, i also suddenly recall that i dreamt of waikit yesterday night. lol~ we were in the sports hall, although i cant remember what we were doing in my dream. and the sports hall is also the prefects' favourite hangout! we'd always stay behind and pretend to lock the gates while the rest of the school would move to the main hall for assembly. then we'd just stay in the hall for the whole of assembly and play! what bad kids we were... tsk tsk..

haha... I always used to dream of this area and the area opposite. At this sports hall, i met ultraman, xena and spiderman in respective dreams...

this is the stationery shop, where i used to buy lots of stickers and cute pencils. haha~ and right opposite it was a mini farm, where the school cleaners kept chickens and ducks. we always loved to go there during recess time to feed them.

When back a few years ago and found a note from the stationery shop auntie: hello children! auntie is not working here anymore, please be good and stud hard.

somehow i feel that this picture looks very eerie. for what reason, i dont know. anyway, this is the cleaners' room, where the cleaners would have their meals and breaks. this was also the place where they kept spare uniforms. so whenever we got our uniforms stained, whether it was from the chicken wings from the canteen or from period (lol~), we'd come here and get a spare uniform to change into. the cleaners stuff all the uniforms into that cabinet, and the spare uniforms totally stink.

this is the "secret path" to the playground!!! the gate right at the end of this corridor leads to the playground. cant believe we actually queued up (note: in an orderly manner) for the two swings. there was even this informal rule (unfounded) which restricts everyone to swing one hundred swings, and then he/she has to come down and let the next person play.

The furtest end was my classroom. I remembered during pya when one of the twins clement (the other is jason) fell in the playground had injured his foreheard. He was sent to hospital and had stitches.

this is the fish pond! alwayz been very dirty. so nothing new in this pic. dirty as ever.
cos I used to litter in the pond, to feed the fish ma.

the school hall! there used to be this stretch of black-and-white pictures on marble slabs fitted at the back of this hall. the kids always scare one another by saying that there were corpses behind those marble slabs. what crap. lol~ to think i actually believed it when i was younger.
memories! wish i could go back to bp and take some of these pictures as well. at least i'd have something to look at and reminisce the good old days.

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Catching the falling leaves ...[12:22 PM]
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Sunday, December 16, 2007
(badly written post, just ignore)

The arrogant, proud and egotistic part of me tend to be strong and formidable.

And because of that, it is unavoidable that he looks down on others.

This is precisely the reason he never had a job before. He is proud to tell everyone he never work.
He looks down at those little people who are working so hard to earn the tiny sum of money everyday and they are happy with it.
Moreover, those common jobs are not worthy for him, and so he thinks.
He is just too proud for that.

He despises many people as well.
He is just too quick to assess others flaws that he never fails to overlook their goodness.
And as of now, he have yet to find anyone who is worthy for him, or so he thinks...


Catching the falling leaves ...[12:28 AM]
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Saturday, December 08, 2007
5 years ago
It never fails to take me ages to pack my room.
While sorting out my pens and pencils i came across this little notebook, i almost dont remember i had 5 years ago.

Reading back the notebook, i recalled how i think in the most abstract form,using poems.
And that notebook was where i wrote them
And the problem with such abstract thinking, it made me keep on thinking and thinking.
perhaps that was why i think so much.

I even wrote down the date for some! The below are some of what was going on in my mind 5 years ago:

My heart follows the sound of the lantern while my body turns with the movements of the yaos. My mind shivers upon the rythm of persis...

With the mind that goes three by three, seeing the truth of man, feeling the pain in me.

Why am i haunted by all these dreams?
My path of seeking the way has already been completed, why am i still feeling this way?
Only the one hiding withing the box knows

Muttering words that are never to be told,
sounding the heart that is frozen long ago
Collecting the memories forbidden and bold
Only the one within the box has the ability to do so....

(It took me quite sometime to recall what I meant of the one in the box, and when i remembered, i realise how much this poem leads to my downfall in jc)
Oh wait! theres a second page! here it goes...

Moulding the bond of a silent friendship
You are the one, the forbidden one

Engross in the beauty from the light of a lantern
Reading the heat in a different way
Having to know you is my happiest day.
Untouched, cleaned and always at its best,
Inspires the children with hopes and brag
Surround others with remose and regret
The one in the box will never rest
Having to see one in his best.

Ever since the story ends,
lost and frozen again
Everytime the box is open
story of the sin shall begin
TO the forbidden one hidding in the box
May you return to your rightful place

Your words and passion shall be lost in space
Only then my dreams will end
As if it had never begin
And the new path will not be pain

Till then never i get good rest
For the dreams will be a pest,
Hatred and love will twirl one another
Like two strings clinging altogether

When the time when love is no more,
The one in the box will go back to before,
Dreams and hatred shall banish
But it will only be when i perish.

(and i guess i had already forsee something that i had done while i was in jc. I opened the box and things happened. Eversince then, the one in the box has been sealed for the pass 3 years, untouched)

Few poems with the heading: The old man, The disgusting fellow The joker, The Queen, The End, The Pet And the Broom.

Each poem represent 1 important person i met in sec school.
Poems are very personal so will not be sharing.
Nonetheless, i cant rmb who was THE PET i was referring to. 90% is someone i dislike though...

No Date
A thousand nights i spent alone,
The dreams made me morn
Knowing you is my heart desires
Longing you my mind is a fire.

A countless, nights Im on my own
The eyes made my life goes on

Even if the universe is going to burn out someday
Even if your hands are tird up in chains.....

Catching the falling leaves ...[11:44 PM]
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Thursday, December 06, 2007
Sleeping Beauty
Long long ago in a far away land,

There lived a king with his lovely wife.

After long years of marriage they finally gave birth to a baby girl.
Overwhelmed with joy, the king decided to host a party throughout his entire kingdom to celebrate this joyous occasion.

Among the people he invited were the 12 fairies of the Lands.
Originally there were 13, but the 13th fairy was engrossed in the dark arts hence many were afraid of her, and that include the king. Therefore, the 13th fairy was not invited.

Upon the arrival of the 12 fairies, they each gave the baby princess a blessing.
The first blessed her with beauty
Second blessed her with wisdom
third blessed her with wealth
fourth: health

Just as the 11th fairy gave her the blessing of beautiful voice
The 13th fairy came!

She was angry that the king didnt invite her to come down for the celebration.
It was not as if she was doing something bad, she was just different from the rest of the fairy in her own unique ways, yet even the king fear her so much not to invite her down.

Blinded with anger, she lay a curse on the baby princess. A curse that she will DIE on her 16th birthday.
(of cos she was just saying only lah, she was actually not so bad to wish someone to DIE just because she was not invited mah. People like to shuo shuo only, fairies are of no exception)

Fortunately (or unfortunately), the 12th fairy thinking that the 13th fairy was for real, wanted to be helpful and casted an anti curse spell.

Anti curse spell is inwhich to cast something before the happening of the actual curse.

For her case, she casted a spell in which the princess will prick her finger with a poison pin and will fall into a deep sleep along with her entire kingdom until someone kiss her.

"Wait!" the 13th fairy said, trying to stop the 12th fairy, "i was just joking about the curse! People angry mah, you cannot take joke issit?"

"Opps!"the 12th fairy reply, covering her mouth with both her hands,"Too late! Ive already cast the spell!"

"oh dear! Fairies can only cast one blessing for a kingdom at one time, and we have already used up ours already," The rest of the fairies whispered amongst themself, one disappearing after another "This is so xia shui, faster zao lah..."

With that, all 13 fairies disappeared.
16 yrs later, the spell came true.

... Fast Forward....

100 yrs later, a prince found himself in a rose forest, feeling that there were riches from the lost kingdom, he decided to bash through the rose forest to the inside.

(after 100 yrs, for some reason the rose plant grew haywire and started to grow and grow and cover the entire kingdom, concealing it from the rest of the world)

Not only he found riches from the long lost kingdom, he also found a 116 yr old old woman laying down at the inner chamber sleeping.
As the prince was away from home a long time, he was getting desperate and kissed the 116 yr old woman and the curse was finally broken.

(Soon after everyone in the kingdom awake, all immediately die of hunger and old age...)



Original intention was to say that actually it was the king's fault that the tragedy happened cos he didnt invite all the fairies down.
Its just polite to do so.
How can we have a party when we are so selective on who to come down?
Even if got constraint still must at least send msg to say got party but really sorry cannot invite you due to limited places...

If the king invited her down in the first place, she wouldnt be so angry to anyhow say stuff and the 12th fairy will not be so gey kiang to cast anti curse.

Anyone with the right mind would have guessed, yah i was not invited for a WEDDING DINNER of someone. HE is not really very close to me yet not a stranger to me.

SO, eventhough im not an economist, let me assumed that he doesnt' have my new handphone number and couldnt contact me.


Koh sending me red bomb!
It will be on the 31st december

This will be my first wedding dinner of a friend that i'll be attending.

What a way to end of the year of the 070707.....
The year i experience life and death.

He will have my blessing.

Catching the falling leaves ...[9:32 PM]
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Monday, December 03, 2007
咒语 2


Catching the falling leaves ...[10:57 PM]
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number of times i couldnt fall asleep within 2 mins after closing my eyes this yr.

a) first was during feb (fans will know why)
b) second was after my econs paper (the one i knew i can do very well f0r)
c) third was a day before the marathon....Too excited to fall asleep

number of months i've NOT taken MRT till 1st dec

Been taking cab from places to places.

number of times i'm angry with weicai so far. or should i say disappointed with him
Both occur during december period.
And knowing his defensive character, i find no point in telling him what was wrong.
Lets hope its cos of exam period ba...

Number of times i've watched movie in cinema this year

Number of times i've sing kbox

Catching the falling leaves ...[10:11 PM]
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