Wednesday, April 18, 2007
More than 5 months have passed, and in another 2 weeks, my 6 months of critical period will finally be over. With the first 3 months to be one of the most depressing moments and tougest challenge i ever face in my life; and the next 3 being the post challenge period where i finally can do the things i like, relax and condition myself with knowledge and strength.
Every moment is surely meaningful to the extend that i feel that a day is just too short to achieve or even complete anything. Certainly, the only disappointment was unable to complete my book which i started off yrs ago, and im still blaming the fact that i left my manuscipt back in camp.( ps. manuscipt was finally found on 20th during the search of the missing sweater) You just can't achieve Everything can you?
Everybody doesn't like their plans to be ruin, I am of no exception. Especially during the concluding part, anyone will like to end it off in their own way and style. At times like this, we will have no choice but to make the best out of it. Surely, i will just get back something much meaningful in return!
I'm leaving for CHINA on the 23th april. Its a decision i made 3 days ago, and i bought the departure tickets 2 days ago and i just started planning the itineray yesterday. Be going out later to buy some necessities. Yet to buy my return air tickets and the domestic flight around china. Nonetheless, most probably ill be back on the 4th, rest for 2 days and to settle down before starting school on the 7th.
Despite my initial reluctance, i've now successfully psycho myself into feeling excited about this trip by doing up my itineray from scratch. Phew! that is surely not an easy job. No wonder people are willing to pay for travel agency. Fortunately, there exist Sneaky people like me who just tapped into their schedule and steal some ideas for my own vacation planning.
My plan involves ALOT of walking and shopping, and ican imagine me doing it alone with father watching by the side. Night life will be clubbing (its only $5 to club you know), massaging at blind doctor, watching acrobat.... I'm still thinking whether to go opera or not... and of cos their night market! Who knows, i might just buy some china girls back home!
AND this will be the LONGESt period of time i'll be spending with father. Lets hope he will not anger me to throw blood by suddenly doing strange stuff. Me being stubborn and weird? try experiencing 10 fold of it from him.. As i told yimin yesterday,'come to think of it, my family behaves like opposite one lor. Normally its the younger ones disturbing and pastering the older ones. oh well."
Any fans who want to take orders from me can do so now!!
Not much time till the end of my performance, let me perform myself alittle more ba...
added on 19th:)I can't emphasize how EAsy it is to make payment electronically.Spent the entire morning making payment/booking for the domestic guangzhou-beijing flight which added up to 1k plus, and the flight from beijing-singapore which is an amazing $1663. On top of that, was the travel insurance bought for a whopping $110.Don't really feel much about the money actually. Cos all these while, i'm just typing in father's credit card number (with all the relavant details), click and click then type and type, and receive the confirmation email. IT only shows how emotionless the future machine world can be.... Where is the joy of having someone to introduce to the products and haggle for better price or even try to manipulate you to buy more? where is the joy of having to reach out to your pocket for money and have the slight guilt that you are spenting alittle too much? Or the smile on the face when both parties achieved their aims?After this, most prob i can memorise his credit card number already. Its really so easy to make payment electronically to the extent that i feel very insecure. If my credit card got stolen or remembered, people will just keep on buying and buying only when i realise that my bill is horrible like... one month later, when i find out that my card was being used...thinking along that line.Done packing 40% of my stuff. Lets hope the conclusion of The Moment World tour concert 2007 will be a smashing success!Show time..(20th april)Paying by visa is easy, cancelling is hard. In fact it can ruin your entire day. I've made a wrong move in buying the air tickets from the WRONG agency. Thats where my problem starts. I've spent the entire day having email conversation with this agency. Now trying to reach an agreement on the fee they will charge me for cancelling my tickets. HEY! they ARE the ones who didn't honour what was agreed, ruined my entire day emailing them, wasted my phone bill on overseas call to verify the information. I've yet to sue them and to think they are CHARGING me for washing my hands off from this MESS. Yah yah, organisation has the rights to blah blah blah.. I really wanted to email something even more nasty to them, maybe something like this:"If i would have known better, i might thought that this is some kind of scam for your company to earn adminstration fee from us by forcing us to cancel the flight" somewhere along that line lah..AT times i feel that i think that i'm too smart for my own good... (22nd april)
i'm getting paranoid. Just feel that something bad will happen during this trip.
It made me even more so from the incident below:
I still remember on the 8th feb, i suddenly got 2 hrs free to drop down to meet alex and had to rush off to for my 'other stuff' at 8pm. The 'other stuff'was actually meeting up with the tennis friends. For 2months plus, we never meet up until yesterday.I've met up with My tennis friends yesterday for bukit timah hike. Today i was at pasir ris on my way home when i suddenly msg gu for fun to meet him up. Just so happened that he was coincidentally round the corner and eventually we had a short meeting. IT is simply so timely, just like the previous time. Can't u seee the similarities?
Sickening, this is just so unbecoming of me.... so Lets just psycho myself a little!I'm sure there are lots of fun and enjoyable places in China! even brought my scroll along to write down every detail which, i think,can be very inspirational..When i return, when i starts school. IT will be an ENCORE.]I have already faced my greatest challenge, nothing can be too difficult to handle...
Catching the falling leaves ...[3:09 PM]
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Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Imagine this scene:
A group of friends sitting together, reciting chinese poems along the river at night.
You think it is a typical scene that can only be found in chinese movie depicting ancient china?
Well, think again. Cos that was precisely what we did at Singapore River just now!
Actually it was only 4 of us as we thought that yongcheng was working. Just so happened that we bumped into him while at orchard.
This is the very very first time all 5 of us gathered and took photos.
All 5 of us took chinese culture and literature during Sec 1-4 (not to mention that jb, eugchua and yc subsequently dropped out from it during sec 4), that explained the urge of us reciting poems which were deeply rooted within us, at this beautiful night scene.
Lets just hear me hao nian of what was recited shall we?
白发三千丈, 缘愁似个长。
故人具鸡黍, 邀我至田家
开轩面场圃, 把酒话桑麻
待到重阳日, 还来旧菊花
羌笛何须怨杨柳? 春风不度玉门关。
7)《九月九日以山东兄弟》 王维
独在异乡为异客, 每逢佳节倍思亲。
To name afew... cos there are really alot. We even did some interpretation on these poems....
Actually interpretation is just me and jiacai lah..
Its quite amazing that it has already been 5 years since we left secondary school, yet we could sit down and just talk about it as if it was not long ago.
How we got 5 different maths teachers during sec 3 and we were taught set and subset 5 times.
How we drove our poor ms tan who was already in clutches mad
How baoxin goes around eating other people's homework (literaly)
How we enjoyed throwing bags and shoes and homeworks down from our window.
How a teacher of ours tattooed her 'front'' with butterfly and "back"with flower.
How notorious our class was eventhough more than 3/4 of our students are student leaders.
The experience was fulfilling. It reminded me of the proud, arrogant, stubborn, witty and power hunger (ambitious)self i used to be.
On the contrary, my two years in jc seemed to be blank. Nothing to be really proud of.
'there is a starlight within everyone of us, as long as you do not give up, the starlight will always be there for you'

Labels: friends
Catching the falling leaves ...[2:00 AM]
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Sunday, April 15, 2007
Secret Garden
My entire morning was devoted to one of the many many pots in mother's garden. According to her, the cactus are overcrowded in one pot, hence there is a need to to remove them and replant it into 2 pots.
Try sitting under the hot sun, without any proper gloves and carry heavy pots and soil from one end of the garden to another. I'm certain this is much strenuous than running a full marathon. Well, at least you dont get your hands pricked during a marathon.
There we go! From one pot into two!

And that, took us the entire morning....
For those who are w0ndering why am i sharing with you this, just let me tour you around my mother's garden.
Upon stepping into it, you will be welcomed by 3 big cactus and 1 small one on your right...

....And 10 more on your left!..
...THese are when you are too lazy to lift up your head. If you rise your head slighly higher... u will be seeing this...
Lets make a count shall we.. hmm.. 14 pots.. Out of which, 12 pots are MORE cactus..
k k... lets just take a break from all those cactus...

easily, there are at least 20 associated plants lying around. Of couse, the only plant here i know is the aloe vera...Anyone who know the names of the other plants may share ur knowledge.
Enough of break? lets continue with cactusing at the far end... That will add another 25 more pots...

All right then, lets account for the strength:.. 75??
i remembered that there were more than 100 when i last counted it few years ago...
To think i'm assisting my mother for just one plant..And she was the one handling with the rest of the 74... look whose the one having more stamina...
I suddenly remembered that i told weicai that i'll pierce my ears IF and ONLY IF someone gave me earrings so as not to waste the gift. Other than that, its a no no. For some reasons, i'm dont think i've made the right move by making such a promise....
This is the Siam kitchen's meal we had! It is really filling and i really enjoyed the meal. Best of all, it only cost $20 something.

Labels: family
Catching the falling leaves ...[1:41 PM]
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Saturday, April 14, 2007
Lunch partners
It was the friday of 13 yesterday. I can simply imagine how people like gu complaining during the whole of yesterday on how unlucky his day was.Just let me repeat myself, i don't believe with such nonsense. On the contrary, yesterday was once again another fulfilling and inspirational day for me.
The orignal plan for yesterday was to go down to funan at meet up with guanhong to do the necessary fixing of my laptop. I want to be well equiped for my future challenges. It was while i was leaving my place when i suddenly remembered that navin was 'working'at suntec, so i dated him out for lunch.
For the first time in my life, i went to Siam kitchen (according to navin its pronounced as SI-am anot not sIAM! cause it will sound vagur otherwise) . THe meal was just so spicy for me that i already finished drinking 2 glass of drinks when navin just had a few sips. It was as if i was being tortured but the food was just too addictive to resist...
Till now, i still feel uncomfortable when people asked me some questions about myself. ITs not something to be ashame of, really. Just that i dont feel like sharing and most people dont like it. Nonetheless, He really knew to ask the right questions (be it consciously or unconsciously), so the conversation was great. And best of all, he brought out some sensitive questions which i just answered quickly without feeling anything. That just simply showed me that i've already got over it, and i'm glad i've moved on.
I finally found out the correct pronouncation for 'temporarily'and 'priority'
We ate for around 1.5 hrs before leaving the place. It is just so my style to eat slowly, not only to enjoy the food but also the atmosphere. Some people just dont understand this.
I spent a long time at guanhong's shop than expected. There are just so much stuff about computer that i don't know. I must say, gh doesn't make a good sales person. Seriously. People like me who came all the way down, are more than willing to spend, became hesitant upon his promoting and advice. Ended up only bought a webcam, a cooling pad and the ram. Didn't really haggle for better price. Lets hope they know how to do business... Went to orchard's hugo boss to shop for some clothes. A tshirt of similar style and pattern like what im wearing now cost $120. The cheapest, i think, is the underwear which is around $50. Was in a dilemma whether to use my $100 voucher to buy anything. I made my way down to their bazar sale (up to 80% discount) at shaw and found a nice $200 attire.
Inclusive of the discount and my $100 voucher, i think i'll just top up a few dollars ba...i thought.
it turned out that the price has already been discounted (meaning it cost $800) and i cannot use my voucher for its bazar... just too bad.
Last of all, my meeting with her. Its nice knowing her, but our fate together will only be 10 times of meeting. In all aspects she is terrific. but both of us know too well how it will end, so too bad for me. Well, at least you can't say i never try... haha
Labels: daily
Catching the falling leaves ...[12:04 PM]
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Thursday, April 12, 2007
Dark Earth
The sky was high and the heat from the blazing sun scorched the lands. The piercing rays were occasionally blocked by the white puffy clouds that were just passing by. Trees stood still, enjoying the blessing from the warmth of the source of life, only to be serenated by the birds with their melody.
The water sparkled harmoniously with the essence of life. Like silk, it wavered, covering the curious fish within from the harsh restless sun. The silk at times was blue; at times it would turn green and with the gentle breeze of the passing wind, it became glittering gold.
Everything was bright and beautiful.
Within minutes everything changes.
Thick dark clouds shrouded the entire sky, as if the sky was burning, filled with smoke. And above it, there was a percussion from the thunder performing. The normally gentle wind started to show its temper by slapping the trees, hard. Finally, the birds were quite, as they were all in the mist of a balancing act on the swaying trees. The howling wind was unfeeling and deadly while the sun was nowhere to be seen. With the water being dark and cold and forbidding, no one dares to stay. A storm was coming! everyone thought, but there was no rain, not a single drop. The entire atmosphere was tensed and mysterious. As if something was anticipated to happen, everyone's mind were filled with the mixture of uneasiness and a pinch of excitement. Dark earth.
The latter is the scene of the dream i always had when i was young since 5 (? i think). The vision of destruction of the entire world and the scene was just the prelude. Back then, i yearned for the destruction (and death). And i was always looking forward to seeing this scene.
ALong with it, i kept on asking myself,"why do i exist? why am i living?"
Imagine people young young at around 5 years old kept on thinking about such stuff and things along that line. The thought of it frightens me, and at times caused me to cry myself to sleep. And had to frequently tell myself,"dont think too much, you are living to play and enjoy"
That was why there are times i feel meaningless in doing somethings that i couldn't help it but to destroy myself by giving up, hoping that they will end. I had a deathwish. It was like this for jc, it was briefly like so during eodcc...
Normally, i dont dream if i happen to sleep less then 7 hrs. Nonetheless, since last monday, i've been dreaming everyday, i need the panda eyebag strips...
Labels: senseless rant
Catching the falling leaves ...[9:36 PM]
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
yeah yeah!
For some reasons, vista was very nice to me today. Its microphone could be used, and i could finally connect my hp to my laptop. And that means more pictures!
i dont really have the enthusiasm to post lenghty story as before, so i'll just put up the pics and comment.
Reached centre clark quey at 2pm, the event is supposed to start at 3. As you can see, its super crowded.
They just had to set up the sound station in between me and the stage....

This guy was sitting just beside me, he doesn't look chinese. Coincidenlly, he was the same guy who stood beside me during the 'perfect day' autograph session last yr.
What a fan...
Nothing to do, i waited...
And waited....
And waited....

Everyone stood up and squeeze forward upon the arrival of the STAR....

Could only take a quick glance of her when this music guy bent down to load cd or move slightly right to chit chat with his friend...
The only chance i can really take a 'photo' was when the autograph session starts...
Catching the falling leaves ...[8:15 PM]
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Monday, April 09, 2007
IF, by any chance, that the newly launched window vista has a physical form. And, by any chance, this physical form, just so happens to be sitting nicely in front of me. I tell you, in just nano seconds i am positive that it will definitely be shredded into smithereens and disintegrated into cyberspace.
It all started last sat when i foolishly upgrade my laptop into vista. Thats when everything changes....
For the next two days, i couldn't really enjoy myself for the trouble it caused.
And BECAUSE the minute enjoyment i obtained from these two days cannot be uploaded online and be shared, it made me even more....
What? Me? getting angry about this? tsk tsk... Since when you see me get angry so easily? I'm not angry! no sire!
I really really really wanted to share abt my trip to yanzi's autograph session yesterday. It was enjoyable
**( just as i was typing this, a pop up appeared and said that my music library is corrupted..Woa.. Surprise me...)
I really really really want to share how cmi central clark quay is.
And how i just lend my newly autographed album to an aquaintance who will just bring it home to burn it!!
As for my short malaysia shopping today.
I really want to share the death incident i witnessed upon stepping onto malaysian ground.
Not only that, I also wanted to share what i saw while i was exploring the dark mysterious secluded alley at malaysia... more sensationalised, juicy and yummy stories i must say
But then, look at the bright side! i bet my readers can let out a sigh of relief that i'm now summarising my events ... Or have i made it surrepticious (is this the way to use this word??)that u guys want to hear it??
Catching the falling leaves ...[10:50 PM]
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Friday, April 06, 2007
fisherman's friend
The once a year visit to malaysian relative and to pray can be such an educational tour today.
Before i get into the main topic about fish.
Just want to quickly mention about the incident when our family were passing through the custom.
Brother was stopped by the custom and wasn't allowed to pass as his passport isn't vaild anymore! SO, the effort of waking up early in the morning and rushing down to changi ferry terminal from cck was futile for him. OUT he go! and the rest of us made our way to malaysia.
After the usual praying part which is almost the same as what we did last yr.

We headed down to my cousin's fish farm.
(actually, according to the investment percentage and verbal agreement, we actually 'own' the farm in a way. But due to some forseen reasons, we dont really bother who own the farm.... THAT will be another story for another time)

For the past 20 yrs, cousin was just rearing the fish, grow it big and sell. This year, he has advanced to move on to something bigger.
This tub here contains fish eggs. Yes, he is now producing fish eggs to see to others to rear.
In short, he 'harvest' the fish eggs from his captivated fish and sell. Don't let my description fool you, the process is actually very tricky and complex. ALot of details were omitted due to trade secrets.
Guess how fish eggs at the volume of 1 (rice) bowl cost?
However, the amount of fish eggs they harvest were just too much (1 tub), that he is willing to drain them, the excess, away (as seen on the pic), then to spoil his own market.
These eggs were harvested yesterday and were supposed to hatch by now... off they go back to the sea!
Rmb the malaysian children who visted me during cny?

They are back! and this time with a vengence and IN THEIR OWN TERRITORY!
Wonder why he needs to change his clothes so often within a span of ...4 hrs?? Dont be fooled by his innocent appearance, this is the most cunning out of the three. He moves with a agility of a panter, for he can suddenly snatch my spectacle away as a lightning fast speed. he screech like a banchee! He has the destructive force capable to bring down the entire house!
And This is the middle child! haha
Rmb my previous post ?:
"he har... x focus
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Speaking about courage, there are two people from the unit that gave me the courage to do stuff which i've never thought i have the ability to.One of them his birthday is on 8th feb.The other one is on 20th april... (i think)...I'm already started preparing something nice for them today"
Guess what? the second person's birthday is today! let me just write this down, 06 april.
Coincidentally, he too is stuck in camp.
Well, as what i told sheng xiang before,'if you dont want the gift which is meant for you, you can might as well throw it away". Whatever i intend to give him will be disposed off. Just too bad for him.
I just sent him a greetings "Hey! happy birthday to you. Actually wanted to get you something but i really don't have the time. So too bad for you. But my greetings will surely be the best gift anyone can get right? so enjoy and take care! oh ya.. and good luck.. heh heh"
Catching the falling leaves ...[5:41 PM]
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Thursday, April 05, 2007
Don't Smoke!
Really, they should supply everybody with a face mask upon entering the temple especially during critical period like the Chingming which is today!
It kind of reminded me of the CS gas chamber i been to where we were supposed to remove our gas mask to 'experience how it feels like to be exposed to the chemical if we didn't put on the gas mask properly' . I don't remember being so teary and breathless then as i was this morning. I should have taken a gas mask or two while i had the chance then, wondered why i didn't do so in the first place.
Above the urn cubical of my grandmother and grandfather, i couldn't help it be to look at the particulars of another deceased. Not as if i have such habit to go around looking at tombstones and stuff, just that the birthday- 1986 that caught my eye and made me feel rather uncomfortable. This guy just died last yr, 2006 during the 7th month. And as usual, it made me wonder alot of things.
I came to realise that father was wearing the shoe i've given him! Thinking back, i seriously think that this is the very first item that i bought which i gave him. Well, it wasn't the orignial plan actually. The shoe was meant for me actually, bought from malaysia last week and love it so much that i bought it despite knowing that it is 'slightly' smaller. Ended up feeling so uncomfortable that i had no choice but to give it to father. IT fits perfectly. Look whose the cinderella now? Since this is the first thing i ever bought for father, think it is blog worthy ba..
Catching the falling leaves ...[3:08 PM]
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Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Me? A girl?
This is the 3rd time during this period that someone told me that they thought i was a girl when they saw me.
Of which one of them was a girl whom i met the very first time.
With the cap to cover abit of my face, plus contacts to reveal my big round eyes, together with wavy hair and with my **xy body, it was no wonder someone could easily mistaken me as a girl.
I think all of them were jealous or something. Thought they saw a mei nu in front of them but realised its just me...
IT WAS YONG CHENG'S IDEA FOR ME TO KEEP LONG HAIR, cos after all these years from primary school till now, he 'never seen be having long hair before' and wanted me to do so. Actually i also wanted to try try lah. Since during school life there was totally no point for me doing so (even though i knew the fact that i dont go well with short hair).
Father was feeling alittle uneasy about me keeping longer hair, simply because of the fact that he never seen me so before. Then we were visualising if i should keep pony tail or pigtail like those ancient china.
Haiz... since people already think i'm a girl liaoz and the girl i met seems to hate me. So i think its appropriate for me to say ' dont hate me cos i'm beautiful'...haha!!
Catching the falling leaves ...[10:05 PM]
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Sunday, April 01, 2007
Ice Lemon Tea
Dear Alex,
The first of April this year means alot more to me than ever before.
It is not only your 49th day, but also signifies 1 year since you officially joined me- you have known me for 1 yr.
It is amazing how people can appeared in one's life at the right time and since then, everything changes. You and gu appeared at just the right time, you have no idea what this meant to me at that time. (refer to old blog dated 17 march 2006, Disgusted, to get a hint of what i was feeling few days before we met)
As i've mentioned before, to all of you, i'm just a passing wind. But to me, you all are ghosts who will always be there in my mind. For you, it is now literally.
I remember that there was a time when i was there to teach you everything i know. I was there to cover your back when you sneak back to camp late or when you are not properly attired or when you just irresponsibily left. You just have to stubbornly stick to your style till the end, don't you?
As of today, i'm going to stop moarning for you. At times i feel as though your incident is holding me back, greatly. From time to time, i can spent hours just doing absolutely nothing, in a daze. Even though i knew deep down that there is no point for me doing so and life still moves on, i just want to torture myself alittle more. IT isn't often you lose someone like that you know. Perhaps, I'm that type of person who never admit losing, perhaps i felt responsible for what happened or perhaps i just want your incident to be deeply rooted within me. I don't want to forget this feeling of saddness. Call me a sadist but i feel so comfortable and serene to be overwhelmed by this feeling which i forsakened many years ago. As if, i've finally become a whole and feel complete.
Seriously, the timing of everything fits so perfectly to the extent i got this feeling that your incident is preplaned by higher orders just to affect me this much so as to assist me to fulfill my destiny. And if that is the case, i'm already preparing myself for the challenges that lies before me.
For the past 5 months, I've studied the stars and maps. I've spoken to great philosophers and scientists. And most importantly, read into lives of not only mine but also those around me. You have absolutely no idea how much i've grown and will be growing. Doubt that you can even recognise me after this, i wasn't kidding when i said that to you last year. Please, be my strength, and in return i'll bring your wish to take flight along with me.
IT will be a fullmoon today.
I used to hate the fullmoon as its always up there when something bad happened to me.
But tonight, its different, i'm going to love it more than ever. Maybe will be enjoying this beautiful night scene over a bottle of Ice lemon tea. yum yum!
Of ghost and wind,
Catching the falling leaves ...[12:55 AM]
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